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Kopeke For Chronicler!



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Rise to the occasion, all Ko-Matoran lovers! 'One member, one vote' Vote for Kopeke as Chronicler now!

If elected, Kopeke will promise to keep all chronicles up to date, and to spend his time in office working on making new records and archives 8D


Heh, I'm just kidding... somewhat... <_<

But really, vote Kopeke :P



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No, no. Kapura rules, not Kopeke. :P


~ Bioran

Search your feelings! You know it to be true! Kopeke owns Kapura!


[EDITSIES by Ut: This isn't a double post/comment/thing, I just decided to rid of the anti-Kopeke post :P (heh)]

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Are you going to delete this anti-Kopeke post too? :P


[EDITSIES by Ut: No, I just felt like deleting Bioran's because it's funny :P It's a bit of poetic justice, shall we say]

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While I like Kopeke, I actually don't want to see him become Chronicler, because then it'll be only a matter of time before he is thrust into storyline prominence, becomes a Toa, and ends up with a personality like the Inika/Mahri.





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How about "Kopeke for Toa of Ice". But if he becomes Chronicler, maybe that's his next step. Either that or death... :P



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Sadly, Kapura's winning, because all the newbies are voting Kapura, just because he's a Ta-Matoran and they assume he must be like Takua. All the people voting for Kopeke know and love Kopeke.


Personally, I don't think Kapura would be a good Chronicler. I thought it should boil down to Taipu and Kopeke.


Whatever. Greg'll write it in.



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Sadly, Kapura's winning, because all the newbies are voting Kapura, just because he's a Ta-Matoran and they assume he must be like Takua. All the people voting for Kopeke know and love Kopeke.

I totally agree. Half the guys who voted for Kapura don't even know that Takua is a Matoran of light. *sigh*

Kapura FTW!

Et tu, Ikki?

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Ut is drunk with power.


Anyway, I did vote for Kopeke I believe, because I wanted to spread the job around.


But I think Taipu would also be a good choice. We need more Onu-Matoran love, ya'know?


Taipu: Preach on, bruthuh.


Swert: Uh dude? I support Ta-Matoran :P -Swert

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Kapura, be sensible! B)


I'd like to hear just one story argument as for why Kopeke should be chronicler, other than 'he was part of the chronicler's company.'



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Ut is drunk with power.


.15 ERC (Ego/Reality Concentration.) I guess I'm .07 over the limit :P


I'd like to hear just one story argument as for why Kopeke should be chronicler, other than 'he was part of the chronicler's company.'


Alrighty then...


Kopeke is actually adventurous, just a bit people-shy. He's well trusted, being the left hand Matoran to Turaga Nuju. He worked as a messenger and chute station attendant in Metru Nui -- so traveling is no problem for this guy ;). He has good strength and brilliant skills. Also, he's a Ko-Matoran -- Ko-Matoran are archivers by nature! They live for knowledge!


In all seriousness guys, he and Kapura are really alike in many many ways -- the one flaw of Kopeke NOW is that he's people shy. But who knows? After being on the company, and perhaps after he (hopefully) becomes Chronicler, he'll learn to rid himself of shyness :P


Oh, and the best reason of them all: Kopeke can carve better archives :superfunny:




P.S. - Well here you are Ikki, you wanted reasons, you've got reasons :P


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