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Just To Make You Think...



Suppose technology has gotten to the point where there are machines that are intelligent, and where a mind can be transferred into a machine, and where people can be implanted or upgraded with mechanical parts. Firstly, can an intelligent robot feel emotion or is it programmed? Does the robot have no soul because it is a machine? What rights does a robot with intelligence, emotions or not, have? If it has no soul, is it entitled to any rights since it may be safer to err on the side of caution since the definition of a soul is unclear and give them no rights? If they do have emotions, does this mean they deserve rights? Or does it mean that since they are robots, unaccustomed to emotions like anger and fear, they are too dangerous to hold rights? Do intelligent robots count as people since they can supposedly learn and comprehend knowledge, and perform other intelligent actions? Is it ethical or legal to manipulate a robot/machine's thinking power for such things as science then? And what about people who have their minds in robot bodies? Do they count as human any more? Do they have a soul? Could consciousness-transfer be seen as degradation of spirit and mind or something like that (humans will find something wrong with everything), and following the pattern of previous questions, would they have freedoms or would they be mistreated? And would the same go for cyborgs? Dehumanization, as it would probably be termed by extreme opponents, could be banned or punished, and freedoms denied. Plus, would it be ethical to create a copy of a prisoner's mind and transfer it to a machine so the data could be methodically extracted or combed through? After all, you'd be interfering with the thought process of what would consider itself a human being. And the creepy part is they likely are. Would it be ethical to create such intelligence or to use memories to create a sort of digital child or duplicate? There are so many questions...

Sorry if this is unallowed or offensive, I was just wondering about this for a while so I blogged it. I'll take it down if it's against the rules.


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Well. Thats fascinating, really. Are we robots? Robots dont think the same as humans, are should they be treared the same. Building robots smarter than us would indeed put us stuck between a point of danger to humans, and injustice and a lack of ethic.


This is why people wont build so many robots.

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You know what I think you'd like? An anime called ghost in the shell:[insert subtitle here]. It's set in a near-future world where everyone has had their brains implanted in faux-human robot things and things happen and stuff.


It's really quite thought provoking.

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Why do you ask so hard questions?!

You just want our head to asplode!

But's it's a good question.

It's really a matter of peoples

opinions, anyways.

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But the fact is, people's opinions have been notorious for being harmful to the things they are about. And rights shouldn't be a matter of opinion. Of course, what constitutes being something that deserves rights depends... And I really agree with Beliwa, he hit it right on the head.
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