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That Was Quick / Take A Look Before I Post It



I wasn't Premier for like an hour this afternoon. Prompt Premier service today! :P


Someone look at my BZPRPG profile before I post it (I need some parts from Jetbug before I can finish my depiction of him):


Name: Tukru

Gender: Male

Species: Toa of Stone

Mask: Ruru

Description: Black and orange-yellow armor. Not very bulky or strong looking - and he isn't.



Powers: Stone; Night Vision; flashlight face

Style: Tukru uses quick strikes, bringing up walls and shields of stone to deflect and distract. In this way his combat is almost more similar to a Toa of Air's than to other Stone Toa. When it comes to small feats and quick strikes he's good with his Element; of larger acts of Stone control he is incapable.

Weaknesses: His gung-ho attitude and obnoxious disposition will get him into unpleasant situations, though he usually takes those in stride. Combat weaknesses stem from his lack of experience - He's just generally unskilled (though not necessarily untalented).


Character traits: Tukru tends to get way too excited, cross boundaries and seems hyperactive with limitless reserves of energy. The young Toa of Stone tends to speak with perfect honesty, imprudently devoid of all tact and measure. He's forgetful and has a low attention span, talks loud, treats everyone like his best bud, and is generally just not a great person to chill with. Most people avoid him.

Biography: Tukru was apparently born a Toa. Because of this there was no life-altering change, no sudden moment of clarity where he saw his destiny unfold - He has always just been himself, and doesn't think the Toa-powers make him any different than the rest of his Koro. He's very young - so young that he doesn't have any recollection of the Toa Mata, being less than one hundred years old. Both of his parents went of questing and never came back (one of them was a Toa of Air, which some in Po Koro complain is probably the reason for Tukru's regrettable personality), but he's never really missed them. Still practically a child, he has a romantic view of adventure and doesn't really feel threatened by the shadow of the Makuta.




He sounds really irritating to me. =D


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Yay, a brand-new toa to get on everyone's nerves! I liiiiiiiike it!




You mean Consensus didn't get on your nerves enough?

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Yay, a brand-new toa to get on everyone's nerves! I liiiiiiiike it!




You mean Consensus didn't get on your nerves enough?

He didn't get on my nerves at all.

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