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Travelling The Island



So I spent a bit of tonight replaying the MNOLG for the first time in a long while, and the nostalgia throughout made my night, much more so than would have activities such as doing homework due for tomorrow. Certain strong impressions follow:


Taipu is the greatest character ever and has a black Ruru no matter what. So there.


Tohunga was changed to Matoran throughout the thing. The heck?


Was anyone else ever really frightened of the Kofo-Jaga lurking in the Onu-Koro tunnels? I mean, Onepu goes on winding you up about these guys, but no matter how much you do or don't brandish your lightstone as you creep through the tunnels, they never appear. Missed opportunity; sad day.


Bloody Muaka taking out half my Company!




The music in this game is still some of my favorite ever. Especially the end music and the Le-Koro band.




These guys win my childhood forever. <3


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Apparently I have this on my computer...

I should play it...


I remember trying before, but being annoyed at the slowness of walking around and not being quite sure where to go sometimes...

Or some things just wouldn't work.



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You wouldn't happen to know where that was downloadable again? :D


I was just thinking about it today as well. The music is indeed very well-done. Pity that there are no higher quality recordings of that to be found somewhere...

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I always adored Hafu, I found his egotistical personality rather entertaining lol.


But yes, the music is the best.

Just as long as we are clear that we are talking about Hafu as distinct from Taipu, because Hafu is not Taipu and never has been. They are both quite good, though. In fact, I want to hug the entire Chronicler's Company. ~^_^~

Apparently I have this on my computer...

I should play it...


I remember trying before, but being annoyed at the slowness of walking around and not being quite sure where to go sometimes...

Or some things just wouldn't work.



Because heaven forbid anyone should have to walk somewhere instead of going places at fantastically high speeds in giant metal deathtraps that tear up the environment for the sake of instant gratification! lol jk lol, I kind of hear you, but walking through the environments is part of the fun. Anyway, you get a Kewa bird later on that takes you places. I never had anything not work...are you thinking of the sequel? Because, hey, that was the buggiest.


Also, I looked at that screencap up here just now and it made me laugh all over again.

You wouldn't happen to know where that was downloadable again? :D


I was just thinking about it today as well. The music is indeed very well-done. Pity that there are no higher quality recordings of that to be found somewhere...

We do, in fact, still have a software forum. There lies the answer you seek.

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Oh, MNOLG. It's amazing how something so simple can be so much fun. I never got tired of that game. I never did get through MNOLGII, though. Maybe one of these days I will.


Aaaaand I just found download links in the software forum. No homework will get done this day.

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Taipu's character worked so much better with a Ruru. Same with Hafu and his Pakari. Why they ever changed it is beyond me.


Loved that game, still love it, and still listen to some music clips from it that I downloaded somewhere (prolly in the Software forum)



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Also, I looked at that screencap up here just now and it made me laugh all over again.



Because heaven forbid anyone should have to walk somewhere instead of going places at fantastically high speeds in giant metal deathtraps that tear up the environment for the sake of instant gratification! lol jk lol, I kind of hear you, but walking through the environments is part of the fun. Anyway, you get a Kewa bird later on that takes you places. I never had anything not work...are you thinking of the sequel? Because, hey, that was the buggiest.


I'm sure I'll try it out again once I have time.

And now that you mention it I think I was thinking of the sequel.

Maybe I just didn't like having any direction. Not knowing where to go, aside from this Ga-Koroan waving at me. But at the same time seeing the telescope to look at or other directions to go in.



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So I was playing MNOLG and Taipu was following me to Le-Koro, so I thought I'd take a screencap of it and post it here.

And as I'm about to press prtsc, he gets taken by a Nui-Rama. D=



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