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Help! Need Advice!

Clark Kent


Since school has taken away a bunch of time at BZP and I can barely go on it, I need advice.


Should I keep hanging around with my friends and live life?


Or should I go in the computer lab and go on BZP?


Seriously, I'm kinda having a tough desicion around here....Please help. :)




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Hang around with your friends. It'll be worth it, because they won't always be there, and when BZP is not, you'll want them. Believe me, I learned the hard way, when my friend moved to California.

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Personally, friends take priority over BZP any day. BZP's fun and all, but not important enough to risk my friendships, social opportunities, etc.





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Who needs friends, when you can hang out with text and emotion images?


Actually, I'm more inclined to agree with the others on this...



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Omi is wise...that scares me.. :P


Well thanks everyone for all the help, I guess, I'm gonna keep hanging out with my friends. :)



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