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Oh Phooey



I had always said (in my head, not so much out-loud) that if this Doctor Who picture was ever made into a poster I would buy it in a heartbeat. Well, my ruling still stands, but now I've decided I'm not paying $25 for it. Cut that in half and then I'll be more ready to hit "buy."


There are a few other nice 11th Doctor posters (also remember I already have a 10th Doctor one from The Stolen Earth, but there aren't any 9th Doctor posters, unfortunately but not surprisingly) out, but I have my mind set on this one.


-CF :kakama:

On a slight side note, I realized it is very hard trying to picture the Eleventh Doctor running around without Amy (because such an action is inevitable). The only fix to this would be half of a season completely with River Song, which would make sense to have a more complete history of her traveling with him, not just short hops for single events.


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You don't need a poster of that. It is one of the worst (and by that I mean most obvious) cases of green screen and photoshopping I've ever seen. The background is fake and the two people don't even look like they were in the same photoshoot.


This upsets me. :(

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