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More Dimension Hoppers News



Got some more news for y'all regarding my upcoming epic, Dimension Hoppers:


-The DiH supplement I mentioned earlier, which will feature the Dark Hunter Raider, is officially titled The Other Tale. I may possibly call it, Dimension Hoppers: The Other Tale, but for now it will just be TOT (a weird acronym, but not as weird as Tapestry of Evil's, anyway)


-I am going to go through Dimension Hoppers itself one last time. Once I have that done, I will begin posting it one chapter a week


-DiH has 20 chapters (not counting the prologue) and TOT has 10 (not counting the epilogue). Thus, the chapter release will probably go something like, TOT Chapter 1 and DiH chapter 1 are released at the same time, release DiH Chapter 3 and TOT Chapter 2 at the same time, etc. I want to stretch it out like this because I want DiH and TOT to be read together. It just wouldn't seem right to end The Other Tale ten chapters before before DiH, in my opinion


-Also, both Dimension Hoppers and The Other Tale will contain major foreshadowing to the epic that will tie most of my major serious BIONICLE fanfiction works together. Won't say much more than that :)


That's about it for now. Perhaps in a couple of weeks I'll have some more information to share with you all.




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Ah, some more DiH news. Looking foward to it, seems it'll be out soon, alongside TLR (which I am working on catching up with while juggling much more) however TLR will be done a while before DiH I assume. Excited that DiH: TOT, well, exists. Sounds good. You always seem to be juggling BZP projects while working on Two Worlds over a huge period of time (I know Two Worlds'll be great, hope to see it on shelves someday). But, from a study of the TNTOS in its natural habitat, I know you usually prewrite things (excluding very long ongoing sagas (for example, the 'ol MBRT and MBSS (SS wasn't too long though) and post them while wrapping up something else and having a third as a side project, and then there's Two Worlds. So, with all you have planned, I'm guessing you'll be filled for 2011 with writing and the crossover epic (crossover is a good word for it) will go into 2012 (or be completely in it). Of course, now that I've got you right where I want you...I mean, now that you're back in the Comedies forum, there's a boy named Timongo who feels lonely and abandoned. But seriously, I think a re-launch (if you want to come back to the characters (if they're fun for you again after a break (sometimes all you need is a break))) of MBSS would be good. First you came back to Comedies to comment, then writing a new one, and next COULD be the old one...




But I'm not trying to force anything on you. It's your decision.



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Ah, some more DiH news. Looking foward to it, seems it'll be out soon, alongside TLR (which I am working on catching up with while juggling much more) however TLR will be done a while before DiH I assume. Excited that DiH: TOT, well, exists. Sounds good. You always seem to be juggling BZP projects while working on Two Worlds over a huge period of time (I know Two Worlds'll be great, hope to see it on shelves someday). But, from a study of the TNTOS in its natural habitat, I know you usually prewrite things (excluding very long ongoing sagas (for example, the 'ol MBRT and MBSS (SS wasn't too long though) and post them while wrapping up something else and having a third as a side project, and then there's Two Worlds. So, with all you have planned, I'm guessing you'll be filled for 2011 with writing and the crossover epic (crossover is a good word for it) will go into 2012 (or be completely in it). Of course, now that I've got you right where I want you...I mean, now that you're back in the Comedies forum, there's a boy named Timongo who feels lonely and abandoned. But seriously, I think a re-launch (if you want to come back to the characters (if they're fun for you again after a break (sometimes all you need is a break))) of MBSS would be good. First you came back to Comedies to comment, then writing a new one, and next COULD be the old one...




But I'm not trying to force anything on you. It's your decision.




To be honest, I haven't done much work (besides two and a hald drafts) on "Two Worlds" itself. Mostly been thinking over how to approach it, what kind of plot would work for the first book, and so on. It's been very difficult, as I have yet to find a plot for the first book that I actually enjoy, which is probably the hardest part about it. I do have some ideas, though, so we'll see how that goes.


Actually, I think TLReloaded and DiH will be running at the same time, though of course TLReloaded will end much sooner than DiH. Still, considering TLReloaded has 34 chapters and I am nearly finished editing DiH, I think they will be running alongside each other for the first few weeks of DiH's existence on here at least.


As for returning to MBRT/MBSS, I am not sure. I doubt I will return to it. I mostly wrote TLReloaded because I had this urge to write a comedy again. It doesn't necessarily mean I'll return to comedy writing, but I am not ruling it out. I might just start a third comedy in the MBRT/MBSS series, rather than continue the old and mostly forgotten tale of MBSS. Who knows? It all depends on whether I have any ideas for a third story or not. At the moment I'd like to work on my more serious fanfiction, but I might just write a comedy or two on the side if I get any funny ideas (probably one shots if anything). We'll see.


As for my 2011 writing schedule, yeah, I'm pretty much booked. After I finish "Dimension Hoppers" and "Dimension Hoppers: The Other Tale," I will probably wrap up the "Glatorian Chronicles" series. DiH and its supplement story will probably go through the first half of 2011 and then the second half will be mostly devoted to finishing up the GC. I may start working on the crossover fic (note: crossover is a good word for it, like you said) by the end of the year, but it will probably not be posted until 2012 at the earliest. (Strange how the crossover that will wrap up almost all of my serious fanfics is probably going to be up the year that the world is supposed to end . . . hmm.)



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But seriously, sounds good. After you wrap up your serious fanfics, there will be no GC. No TLR. No DiH. And, of course, no Shika Trilogy. And no MBSS. For now. But I respect that you knew when to stop with your comedy. Some people drag a comedy on and on until it is ready to end, but they don't end it. However, I respect you know when to end it, but I don't know when you will end it. It could be over as of July 2009, or now. Only the author knows when something is truly done. P.S. Surprisingly enough, even with the fact that 4 Mask has returned almost as much as its post count, Aftermath, I can tell, isn't ready to end. Just goes to show you, even after hundreds of chapters (fairly close to 1k if you put all the comedies in the TBTTRAH series together), some comedies aren't ready, and some are after 1.



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But seriously, sounds good. After you wrap up your serious fanfics, there will be no GC. No TLR. No DiH. And, of course, no Shika Trilogy. And no MBSS. For now. But I respect that you knew when to stop with your comedy. Some people drag a comedy on and on until it is ready to end, but they don't end it. However, I respect you know when to end it, but I don't know when you will end it. It could be over as of July 2009, or now. Only the author knows when something is truly done. P.S. Surprisingly enough, even with the fact that 4 Mask has returned almost as much as its post count, Aftermath, I can tell, isn't ready to end. Just goes to show you, even after hundreds of chapters (fairly close to 1k if you put all the comedies in the TBTTRAH series together), some comedies aren't ready, and some are after 1.




I do have plans for other non-BIONICLE fanfics, though, so even when I finish the crossover epic (or epics, probably) I might start working on those non-BIONICLE fanfics. It all depends, though, because I don't foresee myself finishing my serious BIONICLE fanfics for a few more years at least and by that time I might have a job and be too busy to write other fanfics. There is also the fact that I want to focus more on my original fiction, too, but not just "Two Worlds," however.


Also, I just remembered that I will be doing a sequel to TLReloaded, based off the story for BIONICLE #5 that Greg posted on his blog a while back. Don't know when I'll write that, however.



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