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Tin Tin!

Lady Kopaka


Mood: All happy...And stuff!

Currently Watching: The Adventures of Tin Tin (TV series)

Currently Listening to (After Watching): Prisoner of Society - The Living End

Currently Doing: BZP and Writing


Well yeah, my dad earlier were talking about if there was a Tin Tin cartoon series, and I told him I think there was, so after looking around, I found a few episodes to watch with my brothers. They were really fun and entertaining, though now my dad and I are looking to buy a box set or something.


Though still, the comics are better, but still both are really entertaining and funny.


Anyway, I think I finally figured out an idea for the contest, I will just have work on it. I think I am going to use watercolor/acrylic paint as the background, then use either Prismacolor markers for the character(s) itself. So wish me luck mates. :)


And I am not poor anymore let me tell you, working for dad I have acquired $62.50 :D though my grandma got me $10 for Valentines(Which was kind of weird Oo), so $72.50! So I plan to buy some things, like art markers, Bionicle books, GW Nightfall, and a few other little things.



Ok I am boring yall again huh? :P Well, off to work on my Art Tutorial and the AC.


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You've found the world of Tintin: the animated seires, at last. I was raised by that show (when I wasn't raised by my loving parents, heh...). If you've seen 'Secret of the Unicorn', you'll probably be amused to hear that I spent the majority of age 3 screaming 'My Apartment! It's been RANSACKED!' over and over, at everyone.


I think the best of the series (as well as the books) is 7 Crystal Balls/Prisoners of the Sun.

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It's pretty hard to bore me unless you're talking about politics :P .


Be sure to tithe off of that $72.50 :) . I'm glad that working with your dad is working out well for you. I hope that you're able to make a lot more over time and that you'll be able to aquire the things that you're wanting right now.


I wish you the best on your AC entry. You can count on my vote, that's for sure.


- :t::l::h:

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Captian Haddock Away!


Its been ages since ive watched any tintin, meh, i might have a look later for it.


$72.50? wow thats a lot of monez, but i still proberly buy you Nightfall :happy:


Rapi-Toa of Elements

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OMG! You like The Adventures of Tintin as well! Most people I talk to have hardly heard of the show, much less the comics! You must be the second friend I met prior to learning they were a fan! (A friend of mine used to be a fan. He lives in Georgia now, though, so I don't see him as often anymore :( ).


I've been thinking of changing my username, and a name that has crossed my mind is Cuthbert Calculus. However, Lyichir won't hear of it, and it would probably require that I renovate my blog ("Pimp" is overused :P ). I don't want to do that, and risk the loss of my loyal readers.


Anyway, I have the whole series on some disc format. It's like DVD, except that if you pause , fast forward, or rewind, it sends you to the very beginning. It's entirely in English, but with ads and subtitles in some foreign language (I think Korean or something).


Do you own any of the comics? I have a reasonable collection myself.


I am astounded that a member I know so well is a Tintin fan and I never knew! I suppose that happens, though. It wouldn't be the first time.


- :vahi:

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OMG! Beliwa likes Asterix too? This is like coincidence central today!


I collect Asterix books myself, ever since I read those of my uncle (who collected them when he was young).


Someone should make some Asterix/Tintin fan topics in COT!


- :vahi:

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The question is... How many of you know them, and are fans of them (Tintin, Astérix, and many others), in the original French? :sly: I – or we, my dad and I, rather – have dozens of the originals from Belgium...


...Come to think of it, I've never even read the English translations. Of any series. But I do say that Tintin's dog's name is much better in French: Milou. Not "Snowy." I have no idea what the other names are, but obviously le Capitaine Haddock stayed the same...


If you know French, you should really find the originals. They're fun. :D

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I have none in the original French, and do not know French anyway, but some friends of mine have a few Tintin comics in Greek :P .


You know what annoys me? Wikipedia said a movie would come out last year, and it didn't. I know you can't always trust Wikipedia, but I believe they actually cited their source, implying that one was in the works at some point.


And Beliwa, have you read Asterix in Belgium? There's a funny little allusion in one of the panels.


- :vahi:


EDIT: While searching for that image, I came across this image from Tintin and the Picaros as well. I had never noticed this one before! Not only can you spot Mickey Mouse, but Asterix as well!

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And Beliwa, have you read Asterix in Belgium? There's a funny little allusion in one of the panels.


- :vahi:


EDIT: While searching for that image, I came across this image from Tintin and the Picaros as well. I had never noticed this one before! Not only can you spot Mickey Mouse, but Asterix as well!

Aah, yes. The Belgian and French artists always stick each other's characters into their own comics. :D Well, maybe not always, but they do do so often...

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Guest Phyoohrii the Dark Hunter Hunter


Tin Tin animated series is fantastic. Tin Tin in general is fantastic. Got the box set about a year ago, for cheap. Ownage.

Got all the books as well. Classics they are.


IPB Image

Need to read them again. :P

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