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Kapura For Chronicler!

Cap'n Ikki


You can make a difference by linking all your friends to this blog entry! We stand a chance to make Kapura Chronicler of the Future!



Ahoy, y'all!


Reasons to vote for Kapura as the next Chronicler –


-- He wants to explore all of Mata Nui, and so would arguably want to explore Metru Nui, as well. To quote the MNOG: “The island has many places to visit. I want to see all of them. But the others do not like to travel. Mata Nui is very big.”


-- He has a special ability which comes very useful when travelling. By lots of practicing, he has learned the secret art of covering great distances in no time by moving very slowly!


-- He was the one who found Takua and gave him the message from Vakama that caused Takua to assemble the Chronicler’s company.


-- He is observant, contemplates the meanings of things, and ‘his words often carry hidden wisdom’, to quote Vakama.


So, if you want to see your dreams fulfilled, all you gotta do is following this link -- http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?s=&...howtopic=240293 – and replying with this message: “Kapura for the next chronicler!” :D




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-- He has a special ability which comes very useful when travelling. By lots of practicing, he has learned the secret art of covering great distances by moving very slow!

For the record, that part may not be able to make it into any actualy story, if that's important for anyone's vote. Greg doesn't know what was meant by it, and the one person who apparently did, Bob Thompson, isn't with the company anymore.

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Fortunately, the Encyclopedia includes that part, so I think we can assume it to be official. Quoting --


"On MATA NUI (2), Turaga VAKAMA worked with Kapura to teach him the secret art of traveling long distances very quickly by moving very slowly."



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Hey now, didn't catch that XD. Nice. Still, unless Greg can find out what it means, probably it won't actually be in official stories themselves...

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Probably right. :shrugs: Dunno if Greg will even have space to delve into it, but I agree, it'd be best to have some word from the Powers That Be on it -- unless Greg can decipher it himself. ^_^


Still, vote Kapura, folks!



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However, keep in mind that Kapura is confirmed to be an official character, since he appeared in BA#1. That makes him one of the only official characters yet to get a decent shot at the spotlight.


I voted Taipu, but as a failsafe if Taipu is not official, I listed my second vote as Kapura. Your evidence makes me almost wish I had voted Kapura from the start :( .


- :vahi:

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Mhuhahahaa! Kopeke has overpowered Kapura by 22 votes for now(post 1065)! And I'm pretty sure that you won't let this comment appear.....but just so you know....mhuhahahahaha!


Oh, ye of little faith...

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Ah yes. Kapura. Possibly the hott -- err... coolest Matoran to date. A shame he is not in his MNOLG form anymore, though. >.<


It pains me to see so many people favouring Kopeke over him. As awesome as he is, Kopeke does not make a good chronicler (And that comes from a major Ko-Matoran fan. ;) ). Heck, if you asked him, I'm sure he wouldn't wanna be one, anyway. :P



BTW, for those of you, who have chosen not to vote for Kapura simply because we've already had a Ta-Matoran chronicler, remember that Takua was a Matoran of Light, not Fire. (Saying this 'cause I've seen many people saying that they don't want another Ta-Matoran chronicler.)


Still, unless Greg can find out what it means, probably it won't actually be in official stories themselves...


Ah well. I'm sure that wouldn't bother Kapura much anyway. He seems very patient. :P



So, do we want to force a Ko-Matoran to be chronicler when he probably doesn't even wanna be one? I think not! So save Kopeke, and -- as my sig says :P -- save the future! Vote Kapura! =D






PS: Ikki, you forgot one thing: Kapura is insanely brave --

I am Kapura. Are you the Makuta?



Words of truth! Listen and heed, kids!

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I agree, kapura should be the chronicler! hey another reason, is you can find out what going fast by moving slowly is! (greg plans to use him in a book.) And ta-matoran are cool.... hed look great with a croniclers staff.... he sounds like takua (other matoran think he's koo-koo)

he'd be eficient(Of course I walk slowly down to the bottom of the staircase jaller hi im back im sorry i took 2 whole seconds i saw a huge spider with a crazy dude named vezon onit now ill walk slowly to the world that feeds the world and see what it looks like hi im back etc.)

that would be worth it for the comedies bout' him after this lol!

C.I. out.

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Kopeke is actually adventurous, just a bit people-shy. He's well trusted, being the left hand Matoran to Turaga Nuju. He worked as a messenger and chute station attendant in Metru Nui -- so traveling is no problem for this guy ;). He has good strength and brilliant skills. Also, he's a Ko-Matoran -- Ko-Matoran are archivers by nature! They live for knowledge!


In all seriousness guys, he and Kapura are really alike in many many ways -- the one flaw of Kopeke NOW is that he's people shy. But who knows? After being on the company, and perhaps after he (hopefully) becomes Chronicler, he'll learn to rid himself of shyness :P


Oh, and the best reason of them all: Kopeke can carve better archives :superfunny:




P.S. - Well here you are Ikki, you wanted reasons, you've got reasons :P

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Kopeke is actually adventurous, just a bit people-shy.

Aye, but think about it – as a chronicler, Kopeke WILL have to be around people. As a normal adventurer, he wouldn’t. (And it’s still possible to go on adventures even though you’re not the Chronicler) :P


But who knows? After being on the company, and perhaps after he (hopefully) becomes Chronicler, he'll learn to rid himself of shyness

Ah, but his (as you call it) people-shyness is part of his (original) personality. Changing that would be changing his character, and we don’t want that, now do we? :P



Anyway, I have twenty more reasons for Kapura to be the next Chronicler: (These are quotes from MNOLG – I think I have just about every word of what he says on this list, but if I’ve missed something, please tell me :P)



In the Charred Forest ---

"I am Kapura.

Are you the Makuta?"


"You are where you are. If I practice, I can be where I am not. I think I can feel it. It is hot here where I am, but where I am not is cold, and I think I can feel it.

The island has many places to visit. I want to see all of them. But the others do not like to travel. Mata Nui is very big.

Vakama says that in the beginning of time, Mata Nui fell from the sky and landed here. The Makuta came after him and made him fall asleep, and sent his monsters out across the world to control it, and destroy its beautiful things, and to make the Matoran his slaves.

Vakama has told us to wait for more creatures to fall from the sky, who will save us. I think one of them landed on the beach. I saw it fall, when I was practicing before.

Vakama knows more. You should ask him. He lives in Ta-Koro."


"I am practicing.

Vakama says that even though I am slow, I may be faster than all others, and travel very far. He says I must practice. Jala says I am being silly. I practice often."


"If you do not know what is the Makuta, then I guess you are not it.

That is good.

Jala says I must be careful of the Makuta when I am in the forest. he says the Makuta is everywhere.

He means Rahi. Monsters. Things you can see.

But I know the Makuta is here now, in these burnt trees, and in the dead soil. All of these things were destroyed by the Makuta, but the Makuta never left them. That is how he becomes strong. That is what the Makuta does. He destroys things.

I think the forest looks beautiful this way too. And when it burned, you could see all the fires perform their Great Takara all the way to the sea, and it was very beautiful."






‘The Alliance’ (Telling Takua that he should go see Vakama in Ta-Koro) ---


You are the Chronicler.

I have been looking for you.

Vakama wishes to speak with you."


"(Takua: "What does Vakama want?") I know only that it is a matter of great urgency."


"It is as Vakama said.

I practiced and became skilled.

I know now the art of traveling great distances by moving very slowly.

It is a small matter for me to be wherever I am not.

It is a useful skill."


"Vakama is in Ta-Koro."


"You should go to Vakama now, it is important."


"I am to accompany you.

Let us go together."




The Chronicler’s Company on its way to Kini-Nui ---

"If you practice, you can move quickly."


"Vakama says the road to Kini-Nui lies on the other side of those falls. Maku, maybe, can find a way."




Defending Kini-Nui ---

"Stay here! We can fall back, but not far. If they push us back over the Kini-Nui, all will be lost. We must win against the Rahi!"


"They have pushed us back. But we must try again!"


"Fire-Matoran always fare well against Muaka and Ice Rahi. It is Water Rahi, Tarakava and Nui-Rama, that we fear."


"Slow I am, and quick. Engaged, it is hard to avoid the blows of Rahi, or strike at the mask of the quick ones. But I travel instantly."


"I can go far without tiring, if it is your will, Chronicler."


"I will stand with you, Chronicler. No matter what."




Victory ---

"Vakama will be heartened by this!"




There you have it! Quotes that prove just how awesome Kapura is! =D



Ah... Don’t you just love the way he talks? :wub:






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As awesome as he is, Kopeke does not make a good chronicler.

Well, I almost voted for Kapura, and if he -did- for sure get to keep the travel power, probably would have, lol, but sans that, I have to disagree. Kopeke is an excellent choice. Reezins:


1) Observative. Dude, he built a Wahi-wide ice-lense security system in MNOG, lol. He... sees all. :fear:


[ominous]He is watching you.[/ominous]


Chroniclers need to be observative, and observative types are more likely to want that sort of job. Kapura's observative enough--he makes those cool riddles with what he's observed, which is a plus. But ya can't beat a Wahi-wide security system, sorry. ;)


[Good point -- Kapura is not all behind here, however. He watches while he practices, hence him seeing Tahu's canister wash up on the beach, plus he made a good scout in the BA1 prologue. May not beat Kopeke here, but he is still very observant from what I've seen]


2) Silence is a virtue--a Chronicler that want to spend all the time in the spotlight being the one making history isn't doing the best job of chronicling. Witness Takua, XD. Someone who's willing to be quiet is probably going to notice a lot more, and with Kopeke's history of noticing things, I have no doubt he would have a greater understanding when chronicling. I think many people are confusing talkativeness with wanting to write a lot--I disagree, just from how I am. I don't like talking much in real life, but I love writing. Kopeke way ahead of Kapura here.


[Kapura is not very talkative at all. Notice how his sentences are short, to the point, and he never wastes a word. He spends a lot of his time alone, simply practicing, watching, contemplating. His talent of speaking with hidden messages seems like a good contribute when figuring out the meaning of events, too.


Also, Kopeke is not shy at all -- he seems very cold, much Kopaka, so I doubt he'd be willing to go around and ask people about events and other stuff, like Takua would. Kapura seems nicely balanced here, as he actually will speak if needed.]


3) Staying alive. The biggest issue to me, besides wanting the job or having skills needed, is the ability to stay alive. So as not to end up like Kodan. This -would- be Kapura's main advantage, if that power is useable, as he could "teleport" away from enemies (well, if he has enough advance notice, at least, since he'd have to slooooow down to do it, which is a weakness). Assuming it can't be used in story though, Kopeke spent tons of time out in the Wahi on Mata Nui, unlike most Matoran who stayed inside the Koro's walls for protection.


Being quiet is also helpful, as he'd be more aware of possible danger around him--same for being observative by nature.


He's also tough enough. Chronicler's company. Both relatively tied here, but I consider Kopeke at least a little better at staying alive.


[Try look at how fast Kapura avoided the Rahi attacks in the Kini Nui mini game in MNOG. He also maged to escape from Ta-Koro during the initial Bohrok attack, saving the entire village by bringing the Toa there. And the Charred Jungle seems like a dangerous place, too -- Kapura definitely has strong courage with him calmly asking if Takua was the Makuta.]


5) Desire to travel. Kapura and Kopeke tied here. Both spent tons of time outside Koro when possible.


[Yup -- Kapura will even travel to any village to find Takua when Vakama requests it!]


6) Carving. Obviously, Hafu wins here, XD. But I've seen no evidence Kapura's the kind of guy who'd want to sit down and carve out records. He'd probably prefer to... practice. :P But Kopeke carved in ice all the time, including that spy-lense, and carving that key. Kopeekee wins here.


[Agreed here. Still, pondering and contemplating seems like Kapura's thing, so that would come in handy when chronicling.]


7) Real World parallel. I'm a lot like him. I'm a reporter. Go figure. :P Of course, not sure if that's close to universal, lol, but this is my view I'm talking about, so it counts. :lol: That's a Kopeke.


8) ...



That's Kopeke 7, Kapura 3 (give or take).


To be fair, we can throw in a 9:


9) Cool speeches. Obviously, Kapura wins, so whatever he writes might be interesting enough to actually bother reading it, XD. Note: #8 is "Mysteriousness", at which Kopeke and Kapura are close to tied--Kopeke might not have cool speeches, but characters of few words can be even more mysterious than those with many riddles. Kapura, of course, makes up lost ground with the whole traveling thing, whether it can be in story or not--Greg doesn't even know what it means, XD. So Kapura wins this round, and cool speeches. However, neither of these are important to being a chronicler, in my view--they're simply crowd pleasers, heh. So, count is something like this:


Kopeke 7, Kapura 4 (2 + .5 + .5). Kopeke still wins. :)


[Well, speaking with hidden wisdom in his words, as Vakama put, seems like a good skill when observing and recording events. No biggie here, agreed, but Kopeke's words seem much more plain, which could be problematic when chronicling. However, as you said, could be only when speaking.]


So to me, only way Kapura would win is if that power definately could be in the official story, which would be suuuuch a crowd pleaser it's worth a 4 all by itself, pushing Kappy up to 8. XD


So remember. Vote Kopeke. He is watching you. :sly:


[And Kapura may be right behind you before you finish that sentence! :lol: -Ikk]

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To add to my replies to bones' post above (hope ya don't mind :P ), I don't see why the TFBGS (traveling far by going slow) skill could not be worked into a story. Assuming Greg even has space for it, which I personally doubt, the intention of the MNOG creators are not needed. Greg could either come up with his own reason for it, or simply leave any deeper messages out. Besides, it is official, so why not? ^_^



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