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I Was Framed!



That's what my posters would be saying right now if they could speak.


Recently I bought some frames for a few of my favorite posters, as well as something to display some Boy Scout patches in (though a little small. Unfortunately anything bigger would be kind of ridiculous. The best way to display patches though is on a large leather skin-like fabric).


The Empire Strikes Back

You got to admit, that's just perfect with a frame around it.


Blue Sun Travel Poster--Miranda


(Each patch here has some meaning to me, aside from looking cool, and some probably have some interesting stories behind them. Favorites: X-Men, Yoda, Indiana Jones, Stargate, Star Trek, oh and of course my Eagle badge. Though really, nothing is there I don't like, otherwise I wouldn't have chosen to display it. I do have a few other really nice patches that I am sad to have excluded, and I realized I didn't put up my lodge's OA pocket flap. Oops.)

More pictures


All this to ensure I'll still have the posters I value years from now, and they won't look tacky (because let's admit, I'm not putting up a dozen posters when I get my own, respectable place).


-CF :kakama:


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I see a tower of purple/yellow Exo Force pokey things! (!!!)

I see a Toa that I designed! (!!!)

I see cool Star Wars and Piraka posters! (!!!)

I don't understand why the Boyscouts are giving out Yoda badges! (???)

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I don't understand why the Boyscouts are giving out Yoda badges! (???)

Yoda is awesome, because.


Framed, the other posters must be.


*limps away on cane*

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I see my patch! Yaaay! Oregon Cascade mountains in... in... CF's state! XP


As for the Yoda patch, it was the design the council used for their contingent's patch set 9they had Vader patches, too). Out of the thousand-some troops at National Jamborees, the troops make their own patches, and they have free reign on pretty much any design they can think of, bar copyright issues where they need permission. So the patch isn't so much the BSA giving away Yoda patches as much as it is a BSA troop decided to have their patches Star Wars themed.



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There were not any Darth Vader patches from the Marin Council in 2005 AFAIK. They had a green border, blue border, and red border Yoda patches. Yes, they had to get permission, and there is even a "Lucasfilm" sewn-in watermark on the patch (just like there is a MGM watermark on the Stargate patches).



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Nice patches- I'm slightly jealous of your jamboree attendance record (are there three different dates I see?). I've never been able to attend one, but I really want to.

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There are only two Jamboree years represented in my framed patches here, 2005 (which I attended) and 2010 (which I visited), but since you brought it up, I'll mention that I also visited the Jamboree in 1997.


The other date on there is the 2001 on my Scout Camp Rodney patch (the purple one)--my favorite scout camp.



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