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So it turns out Borders has the collectible minifigs from series 2 & 3.


I really wanted the sombrero guy as a novelty for Spanish class, so I spent about ten minutes trying to feel the hat through the S2 bags. It didn't work. All I managed to feel and identify was the green witch's "dress" bottom, which I put back because I didn't want, and one of the skier's skis, which I set aside because I kinda wanted.


By then it was about time to leave so I grabbed five S2 bags so the price rounded out to $10 (5 each for $1.99, since wasn't that the price?). Welp as it turns out at Borders they're four dollars each, so I got rid of two and only bought three (making sure to keep the skier bag).


On the way home and opened them. First was the lifeguard girl, and I was like meh. Not too useful. Second one I opened was the skier, who is pretty cool (Ha. Ha.). And the third one, against all odds, was the sombrero guy and I was all YAY and stuff.


So yeah that's my experience.


Sort of wish I had the bar code list so I could've found him quicker and with more certainty. And so I could've found the karate guy, since I want those gold mini-minifigs and there was no way I'd feel them through the bag.


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Lucky grab.


I've had better success with bag-feeling. So far since Series 2, I've managed to accquire every Minifig I've been after in one session of bag feeling.

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