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The I T Crowd



I love British humor!

(Well, of course, there's Monty Python after all.)


And maybe just all the other shows England does as well... (Doctor Who, Sherlock, Life on Mars, Outcasts, Primeval, Being Human...)

(But that does not let me forget about my beloved American Sci-Fi (and other programing). (Firefly, Stargate, Warehouse 13, The Big Bang Theory...)


That being said, perhaps I should give the BBC The Office a shot.


-CF :kakama:


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You MUST give the BBC's Office a chance. I watched the first season, and loved it. Slightly more on-topic, I've only seen a bit of The IT Crowd, but I loved it.


~ BioGaia

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Awesome show, it has me laughing harder than any other show. What's your favorite episode?



Well, I'm only past season 2 right now, after seeing clips and a few episodes for the past couple years, now finally getting a chance to watch it completely. But I absolutely love the one where they convince Jen that the Internet is the little box that has to reside on top of Big Ben.



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Grah, I always find it weird when people call it 'the British/BBC Office'.


- Tilius

Because here in America we're used to our The Office, so we need to clarify certain things. Not everyone knows it comes from you guys.

It's just easier to label it with its point of origin. So when I talk about Life on Mars (I'm halfway done), I need to be sure to say the British version, which I'm sure is immensely better than the remake over here.

The other, fun option is when I discuss things, is to call the show "The American version of such-and-such," but sometimes that can sound pompous. Which could be called for in terms of England making some incredible shows that need to be credited.



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