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Getting Around To It

This'll help me finish up a few projects.



Order Batch Summary:


Total Items: 134

Unique Items (lots): 27

Total: US $60.84


Items in Order:


[New Sealed] 7591 Construct-a-Zurg (x2) ..... US $15.89 each = US $31.78

[New] Black Barb Small (Helmet Horn) (x6) ..... US $0.18 each = US $1.08

[New] Black Minifig, Armor Leg Anti-Blast Kama (x1) ..... US $0.423 each = US $0.423

[New] Black Minifig, Utensil Telescope (x1) ..... US $0.29 each = US $0.29

[New] Black Technic, Pin Connector Round with Slot (Pin Joiner Round) (x6) ..... US $0.09 each = US $0.54

[New] Blue Bionicle Mask Cendox V1 / Kaxium V3 Flip Mask (x2) ..... US $3.58 each = US $7.16

[New] Dark Blue Slope, Curved 3 x 1 No Studs (x2) ..... US $0.16 each = US $0.32

[New] Dark Bluish Gray Skull 1 x 4 x 3 Relief with Two Pins (x1) ..... US $0.396 each = US $0.396

[New] Dark Purple Slope, Curved 3 x 1 No Studs (x4) ..... US $0.55 each = US $2.20

[New] Dark Purple Technic Engine Block Half / Side Intake Panel (x4) ..... US $0.26 each = US $1.04

[used] Light Bluish Gray Cylinder Hemisphere 2 x 2 Ball Turret Socket Base (x5) ..... US $0.27 each = US $1.35

[used] Light Bluish Gray Cylinder Hemisphere 3 x 3 Ball Turret (x5) ..... US $0.34 each = US $1.70

[New] Light Bluish Gray Pneumatic T Piece New Style (T Bar) (x20) ..... US $0.117 each = US $2.34

[New] Light Bluish Gray Slope, Curved 2 x 2 Lip, No Studs (x4) ..... US $0.14 each = US $0.56

[New] Light Bluish Gray Slope, Curved 2 x 2 No Studs, 3 Side Ports Recessed (x6) ..... US $0.09 each = US $0.54

[New] Light Bluish Gray Slope, Curved 4 x 1 No Studs (x8) ..... US $0.13 each = US $1.04

[New] Light Bluish Gray Technic Circular Saw Blade 9 x 9 with Pin Hole (x2) ..... US $0.28 each = US $0.56

[New] Light Bluish Gray Technic Engine Crankshaft (x4) ..... US $0.054 each = US $0.216

[New] Pearl Gold Minifig, Utensil Telescope (x8) ..... US $0.24 each = US $1.92

[New] Red Slope, Curved 3 x 1 No Studs (x8) ..... US $0.135 each = US $1.08

[used] Trans-Neon Orange Plate, Round 2 x 2 with Rounded Bottom (Boat Stud) (x1) ..... US $0.05 each = US $0.05

[New] Trans-Neon Orange Wave Rounded with Base Pins (Castle Dragon Flame, Seaweed, Water) (x3) ..... US $0.03 each = US $0.09

[New] Trans-Orange Tile 1 x 2 with Groove (x7) ..... US $0.12 each = US $0.84

[New] Trans-Orange Wave Rounded with Base Pins (Castle Dragon Flame, Seaweed, Water) (x8) ..... US $0.054 each = US $0.432

[New] Trans-Red Wave Rounded Large (Flame) with Marbled Trans-Yellow Pattern (x2) ..... US $0.558 each = US $1.116

[New] Yellow Plate, Round 2 x 2 with Rounded Bottom (Boat Stud) (x6) ..... US $0.15 each = US $0.90

[New] Yellow Slope, Curved 4 x 1 No Studs (x8) ..... US $0.11 each = US $0.88




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