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I never thought I'd write this entry, I always thought I'd stay here forever, lost in this digital community.


Don't get me wrong, BZP is a wonderful place, and I've enjoyed my time here immensely. However it has been laced with bitterness. My love of this site, and my involvement in it, has proved to be a costly toll out of my life. BZPower, and the internet in general, has become a needless distraction from my actual life.


It is with great regret therefore, that I state this. I am leaving BZPower.


As of 10 PM this night, I will log off, and that will be it.


I've had a great time; I'll miss this site a lot, but it has to be done. there are things I need to deal with in my life that I need to do so without the distraction of the computer.


I'm not sure how long I'll be gone, but rest assured. In the immortal words of Mata Nui. "I shall return"


Farewell, everyone, it's been a pleasure to know you.


Vale, amici.




EDIT: I believe I forgot to mention this, but if you need to PM me, please give a descriptive title on the PM. My Mom will be letting me know if I have a new PM who it's by, and what the title is. If I see a PM from a random member entitled 'hey' not gonna read it.


EDIT2: I'm back, in a way. I was intending to stay as a lurker for a few days while I decided whether or not I should stay, but there just happened to be a few topics that I just HAD to post in. I'm not sure whether or not I'm back or not still.


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It was an honour to have interviewed you. I hope you will come back at some point. :) Best of luck for your future life.


~Gata. ;)

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Stay gold, bro. ;_;


I'll miss you around the chatbox. And the SS forum.


BTW, when you get back...


amor p0st pl0x. :3


Those are the best words I can leave you with, so...


Valete, amici.





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