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Power Ranger To Toa Nuva / Inika



So Swert and I were chatting online, and somehow we got talking about Power Rangers, which evolved to us talking about which Toa would fit into specific Ranger roles. So we constructed a list for you to see.


Power Ranger -- Toa Nuva -- Toa Inika


White Ranger -- Takanuva -- Matoro

Black Ranger -- Onua -- Nuparu

Yellow Ranger -- Gali -- Hewkii

Blue Ranger -- Kopaka -- Kongu

Pink Ranger -- Tahu-- Hahli

Red Ranger -- Pohatu -- Jaller

Non-existent Ranger -- Lewa -- Macku


Zordon -- Vakama -- Axonn

Alpha -- Random Ta-Matoran Guard -- Piruk


Obviously, some characters fit in better than others, like Nuparu and Takanuva. Others needed some reshuffling. Tahu, for example, has the only pink pieces ever released in Bionicle; trans pink eyes, so he's the pink ranger. Gali and Kopaka have yellow and blue eyes, so they're the yellow and blue rangers respectively. Hahli fits the mentality of the pink ranger better, and then Kongu can fill in the blue ranger spot because the set of rangers we're basing this off (second season / first movie) didn't have a green one. Also, since there were only ever six rangers and never seven, Lewa gets kicked off the team. (And we didn't consider any of the other seasons, since we never watched those :P )


(Also, tried to post this entry multiple times but the board eated it up, so here's hoping this one gets through)



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