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Doctor Norik



I'm in my grandparents' appartment's computer room, and, yes, it's in Florida. But first, let's give a little update.

I arrived in Orlando Thursday night at around 10:15. Really late. We checked into our hotel (Holiday Inn Express) and fell asleep instantly. For those of you who don't know, I'm travelling with my dad right now.

At around 10:30 AM, Friday, we visited my dad's friend. That's where I was able to blog on Friday.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd then we went to MGM studios. It was so freakin' awesome! Let me tell you: if you ever go there, make sure to ride the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror- it's a 13 floor drop in a rickity ol' elavator- and it rocks! Booyah!

Coming up next was Epcot. Yes, the frequently made fun of amusement park. Well, there's this new ride. The wait time is around 100 minutes, but it's so worth it. It's called Soarin'. It's a flight simulator with smells and amazing visuals and-- hang on. I won't tell you ALL of it....

We then went to Downtown Disney, a vicinity packed with stores and restaurants and nightclubs- and an enormous AMC theatre! Well, we first went to see Ghost Rider. It was pretty cool, but then my dad suggested that we leave..... Maybe it was the guy sticking his finger into a guy's chest and turning him into a rotting blue frozen corpse. I dunno. But, as of now, I shall be offering "NP's Movie Reviews"!


Title: Bridge to Terabithia

Rated: PG

Summary: Boy's life sucks. Boy meets girl. Boy and girl play in la-la-land. Girl dies. Boy builds bridge. THE END.

NP's Review: 1.5 = Go ahead, waste your money.


Yeah. It was terrible.

The next day we stopped over at the Magic Kingdom, where we rode the overly tacky "Pirates of the Caribbean", the overly stupid "Splash Mountain", and the overly amazing "Big Thunder Mountain Railroad". The out of control train goes mega-fast, and it's awesome! No loops, though.

Later that night, we caught a glimpse at the amzing FireWorks display, and almost got crushed on our way out. You see, after the 'big show' is normally when about 2/3 of the Disney population leave..... So, we were caught in a stampede. Ungh.

Then I got barely any sleep. Blah.

The next day was a quick stop at the Downtown Disney Lego store (I got some pictures, I'll post them when I get home) where they were completely sold out of Carapar. Go figure, that was the only Barraki I was missing.

Then we went to the Animal Kingdom, and my dad forced me to watch "Finding Nemo: The Musical". It was torture! Augh. But he had to. It's for his job. He's gonna be hired for Disney or somethin'- I dunno.

Sunday we stopped over at my dad's friend's house. I (lightsaber) dueled with their son, and that's about it. They had this big train set, actually, and I ended up killing half the population when I set the train speed a bit too high. *ulp*

Yesterday was the final stop. We went back to the Lego store, and, you're gonna laugh, they were completely sold out of every single Barraki. In just two days they went from completely stocked, to completely empty. I got some more pictures of that, too.

After my dad bought himself a soft pretzel, we were on the road! For.... three..... hours..... Luckily, we passed a Wal-Mart, and they hade Carapar. Yay.

Nothin' much else. I arrived in Fort-Meyers, where my Grandparents live. We watched Heroes (poor Simone) and then fell asleep. I'm writing this from the local computer room in the condo area. Yeah.

Also, I;m sure that my Grandparents have no idea how old I am. They treat me like a kid, or at least my Grandmother does. And, to add insult to injury, she called Carapar cute. Help me.




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