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In the words of a certain aging, lunatic mad scientist from the future: Good news everyone!


Act II is almost done.


Once again, I have to say I'm sorry for not getting this update out sooner. My workload from school really piled up this past month, which pushed Masks of the Elders to the bottom of the priority list. Fortunately, I was able to squeeze in little pockets of time where I could work on the game, and right now the three big things left to do for Act II are the story sections of dungeon #3, battle backgrounds for a few remaining areas (there's quite a few here - three for one dungeon alone!), and programming that class-switch system, which I hope to get done sometime during Spring Break.


Now, to show you all some stuff I was hoping to reveal before the whole issue with the forums happened:



Yes… that's an actual sign. Lhii, however, is not in the game.


I just couldn't stop myself...


Now, here's a more serious screenshot -- even though there's a spoiler tag, I won't reveal where or when this scene takes place.

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «


I will reveal, however, that the Gold Olmak Post in the corner there is important to the scene.

Now, as promised, the character profile for the new character, Lauenna:


Lauenna (Low-wenn-uh):

A huntress cast out from a swamp-dwelling tribe on Loro-Kava, Lauenna barely survives on her wits and prowess with the spear. She is intelligent, but ignorant of the world outside the trees, and often compares new situations with those of the jungle. Despite her Le-Matoran appearance, she is, in fact, a girl.


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It obviously takes place in a tent during tent-time.


You can't fool me with your foolish foolishness.


E: Is that a gray olmak in the first screen shot...?



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Drat! My clever vagueness has been fooled by the obvious facts of that location's tent-ness! :P


And not quite - it's a Silver Olmak - to go with the Gold Olmaks. And that particular village wasn't important enough to get a Gold Olmak. Why? You'll figure it out when you get there.


Also, as a mini-update, the class-switching system is about halfway done - the actual code that handles the act of switching the classes and updating the levels of the characters is complete. Next is the code that allows you to choose what class to change to.

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What about 2 the other big things?


Also, is the ugly monster from update 3 or so related in any way to the PM plant monsters?



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The to-do list for Act II (and there is a file, and it's updated regularly) has just two things left to do before I send the demo off to beta testing: Finish the class-switching code, and finish programming and balancing the enemies. I can't at the moment remember exactly what the other big things are, but they're either done, or I just listed them. Also, one of the things, if I haven't mentioned it here, I'm saving for the next update.


And the big ugly monster is in no way related to the plants, with the sole exception that it uses some recolorations of the vine graphics. Other than that, I can't say... mostly because surprise is the keyword with that particular creature...

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I meant the story elements for dungeon#3 and the battle backgrounds.


E: Also, looking at the end of comment# 2 again, that second half doesn't sound too hard.



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Both of those are done. They've been done for... about a week now, I think.


The programming here really isn't that hard (especially after a brutal first project in my AI class), but it's more boring and repetitive. Also, my schedule for the rest of spring break here is getting tight. I've got three acts of Shakespearean tragedy left to read in the next three days, plus three other assignments for my other English class, most, if not all, due Monday. I probably would have been done with Act II by the end of February if not for my class schedule this semester...

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Both of those are done. They've been done for... about a week now, I think.


The programming here really isn't that hard (especially after a brutal first project in my AI class), but it's more boring and repetitive. Also, my schedule for the rest of spring break here is getting tight. I've got three acts of Shakespearean tragedy left to read in the next three days, plus three other assignments for my other English class, most, if not all, due Monday. I probably would have been done with Act II by the end of February if not for my class schedule this semester...


Oh, the irony! Your education in game design is leaving you no time for game-making!


E# 1: Also, if the programming isn't too hard, just time-consuming, you should ask someone with a lot of time on their hands to do it. Said person could then gain from the experience and the game would be finished faster.


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E# 2: Lastly, looking at the tent screen-shot again, I would think it takes place in Ikuria's tent. Probably at some earlier point in demo two. It appears Ikuria has some item or information hidden somewhere in or around the book, "Properties of Legendary Kanohi". It also appears Raika is not fond of Ikuria.



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I sensed that irony months ago...


As I learned this morning, it's not so much that it's time-consuming, either--daunting is the best word to describe it. The code manages to get very unwieldy very quickly - I actually saved myself a lot of headaches with some clever tricks (namely, moving the actual coding process away from the event that will house the code, and reorganizing the mechanics behind the character/class selection code), but even with that, the numbers are pretty staggering: each character has about 6 1/2 screens* worth of code to handle the class switching and level adjustment (the place where the time and energy really gets eaten up), and all totaled, there's over 70 variables and switches to keep track of. Right now, I just learned how important going into the programming with a specific game plan (and knowledge of alogrithms) really is, and now I think it actually was a good idea to take that AI class... amazing what can happen in less than an hour, huh...


*-A "screen" of code is, here, the amount of vertical space of the event window's code screen. For me, that's about 33 lines, though other screen resolutions may be different.


» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

Well, you're right, for the most part: Ikuria did live in that tent, at some point (possibly during the events of the game), and at this point, no, Raika (really, everybody) doesn't like Ikuria much at all... I won't say why, but they don't. As for the other two points, I won't say at the moment. You'll just have to find out yourself, soon enough.

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