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Guess Where I'm Going On Spring Break?





That's right, your friendly neighbourhood Eyru is going on a two-week missions trip to Mexico with his youth group. He's going to be painting, building and repairing houses, and helping out churches.




Now, on to business:


As far as the BZPRPG is concerned, last year I just left my only character alone for two weeks, simply because he never interacted with anyone. This year, however, I find myself with three active characters, one semi-active character, and a character I have written up and had approved, but have not found the time to introduce. -_-


So, obviously, I'm not going to be able to play any of my characters for two weeks starting Thursday. The Daedra can just bunny Greed along, but I'm not sure what's going to happen with Jaal and Avya.


So, what's everyone else up to over spring break?


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...do you live in Texas by any chance? I could swear that my youth group is doing the exact same thing, although I'm not going.


Nope. I'm Canadian, and proud of it. ^^

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If you get a chance to swim in the Carribean, do not hesitate.


I'll more likely be swimming in the Sea of Cortez, but I won't hesistate if I do. :)

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Sounds like a very fulfilling way to spend your Spring Break. Our youth group hasn't done anything like this but I would certainly like to someday.


Good luck with the service. :happy:



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