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New Mp3 Player

Lady Kopaka


Mood: A mix of being sad and hyper (Can that be an emotion?)

Currently Listening to: What Have You Been Doing Lately? - Relient K

Currently Doing: MP3 Player shopping


Well, my mp3 player (Sansa, 4GB) just broke. Well, actually it works fine, but for some reason when I plug it up to listen to music, I only hear it through one ear. And it isn't the headphones because I have tried many different pairs lying around our house. So...Yep.


I don't want to blame on the mp3, it is a good, sturdy one. But I think the reason that part broke was my part. I was always jerking out the headphones because I never got a full time pair to stay in there. Whatever happened, don't be discouraged to get a Sansa, they are really good.


Now, I wouldn't mind getting another (Being a lot more careful XD), but I discovered I have around $92 dollars now, and IF I get my money back from the mp3, I will have $222(Right?). So I was thinking of getting a bigger one. :P But I need your help, I have been looking through mp3 players and reviews and a bit scared on what to buy if this works out. Suggestions?


I want around a 20+Gig, that's good on music, pictures and that sort of thing, also sturdy! So far I have looked at iPod, Zunes, Creative Zen and what else...? Opinions on my choices? Prices? ...Yes I know I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with iPod, but I heard the quality is good. So as long as it lives longer than 5 months, I am happy.

Anyway, help on this ASAP would be great.


BTW, thank you guys for the great reviews on my entry!


Recommended Comments

Guest Cap'n Bionicle


Get a Creative Nomad Zen Xtra. Its a tad blocky, but it fits in most pockets and is very good quality. The 40G is about $200. :)
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Zunes are worthless Don't touch them with a ten-foot pole unless you absolutely love having the most crippling DRM you can possibly imagine.

Of course, what else can you expect from Microsoft?

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Buy a Creative Zen Vision M if you care about video. The display is amazing. I have mine(got it monday) and it is awesome.



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I recomened the iPod. My iPod is lasting well over 5 months. :P I got a mini almost two years ago, and it still works great! You can get a 30GB iPod for $250. Just $28 over what you (will) have, but I'm sure that won't be too hard to get. And it's good on pictures, videos, and games, along with (of course) music.
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You can always get a normal 'ol CD player, like I have. :P


*gets pulverized*



I only have have a CD player as well. :P


I'm never getting one of those fancy things that store music, or whatever all that means. :D

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You can always get a normal 'ol CD player, like I have. :P


*gets pulverized*



I only have have a CD player as well. :P


I'm never getting one of those fancy things that store music, or whatever all that means. :D


I am alike in that aspect. I would get an MP3 player, but I would be sad if all my well-collected CDs suddenly became obsolete. Plus, I have no way of paying for music I get online.


I wonder if Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells, TB2, and TB3 can be purchased for download. If so, I might get an MP3 player myself.


- :vahi:

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Get a Creative Nomad Zen Xtra. Its a tad blocky, but it fits in most pockets and is very good quality. The 40G is about $200.

I'll have to look that up, thanks. :)


Zunes are worthless Don't touch them with a ten-foot pole unless you absolutely love having the most crippling DRM you can possibly imagine.

Of course, what else can you expect from Microsoft?

I admit I liked them when playing with it at Target. =O And I like Microsoft too...But I will say they need to work harder to even get close to as good as the iPod.


Buy a Creative Zen Vision M if you care about video. The display is amazing. I have mine(got it monday) and it is awesome.

I saw those and so far I think I like them the best, but I will admit they look terribly bulky, is it really that bad?


I recomened the iPod. My iPod is lasting well over 5 months. I got a mini almost two years ago, and it still works great! You can get a 30GB iPod for $250. Just $28 over what you (will) have, but I'm sure that won't be too hard to get. And it's good on pictures, videos, and games, along with (of course) music.

Yeah I guess, still not a big fan of iPod though. *Shrugs*


Nannnooo. So that I can look upon you jealously.

If I get an iPod it will be 20+ Gig. Anyway, I think those nanos are overpriced and overated.


And to Niki and Keyblade, I have a CD player and like it fairly well. ^^; But it is a bit of a pain since I have 2,000 songs and it is a bit hard to carry around a CD player and CDs. ><


btw, Aanchir; you thought you need to buy the music online to put it on an mp3? Or did I misunderstand you? Though all you need to do is put your current music on the computer to move to the mp3. I also like my CDs, but I always hate getting the cases or the CD itself scratched.

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Every single 7th-8th grader in town except me has an iPod Nano to my knowledge, so I'm not exactly in the best position to give advice, but I will.


From what I gathered on the internet, they are $150 and 40G, which is pretty decent. My sister's friends can get a good deal of songs on there. Plus, it has awesome games.


The only down I know of is that I don't believe it can support memory cards. The sound system isn't bad either.

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You can get a refurbished iPod 20gig ipod from the Apple store for roughly $100. You can then spend the rest of the money on music if you wish.

-Hammer Time-

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And to Niki and Keyblade, I have a CD player and like it fairly well. ^^; But it is a bit of a pain since I have 2,000 songs and it is a bit hard to carry around a CD player and CDs. ><

Well, I barely ever listen to music. When I do, I just borrow a CD from my sister. And the band that I listen to has only produced around four CDs. I only listen to three. But I'm not you.


You listen to 2,000 freaking songs. :lol:

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It is a tad bulky, although I can fit it into my pocket( I am a small 13 year old) Although I prefer to just put it in a case and not take it everywhere. It is a trade-off, as it is incredibly comfy to hold.


It is (looks at product specs) 18.6mm thick compared to the 0.43 inch Ipod Video. Which turns out to...


18.6 vs. 11.0


0.73 vs. 0.43


Here is a side-by side review.





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