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Taboo And Other Stories

Soaring Strawberry


I know I haven't been online recently. Everything has been piling up, including Rainbow and Jobies and getting used to another website that I joined, which has a forum. It is completely different from BZPower, though not a replacement. I have been also been on my toes to finish my homework so I can graduate.


The worst blow was when I got sick this week. As I write, I know I'm only able to function because of all the medications I am taking. I really don't want to be sick, because I got sick in March 2006, April 2006, and September 2006. :sick:


Life has also become boring and frustrating. Though I have a brickshelf, I can't publish anything because my parent's scanner isn't working and the only scanner at school belongs to the busiest employee in the campus. Until now, complications in Rainbow have multiplied like protodax.


In the day I've been struggling in my homework (I'm behind in Civics, and English may soon be next), and in the evening I've been at the (taboo) website, which I only joined because a Rainbow Girl (Lunar Griffen) and a Demolay boy are members. As a result, I deprived myself of BZPower, the place that I have been active for... four years. I missed my fourth anniversary...


And now that I'm sick, I will have more complications because I have to do my homework while feeling terrible. In a way, it's a blessing because I have to miss all the upcoming youth activities -giving me time to think.


I'm not going to be blogging for a while -reading, maybe, just not blogging- so I'll tie up some loose ends:


Rainbow Installation: It was just a meeting installation. That's all it will ever be.


Humor in Bionicle Heroes: Two major themes were that the Piraka wanted to look tough, but aren't (and they trip and fall all the time). The other is based on the fact that Bionicle is Lego, so the characters can take themselves apart. The Piraka and other villains have fallen into pieces; but idle Toa will use their leg as a back scratcher or play hacky sack using their head (literally).


That said, I am going back to my currently boring life.


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