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Blessed Blade


Okay. I get quitting during the match, when everyone and their brother is owning you.


... But ragequitting at the start of a match, forcing everyone else to relocate? That's just not right. xP That just happened to me; got in not 3 or 4 seconds; and the host quit on me.


/EDIT: Also; I officially hate snipers. They make things much harder than they have to be, when they're killing you every time you try to cross to the other side. >_>


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My brother does that in every sports video game I play against him.


It's heartbreaking to watch your 45-0 whitewash on MLB 2K11 go down the drain as he's standing there giggling with a controller in his hand.

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man when I play cod4 I've gotten up to five games in a row that ended within two minutes because of the host dropping out


yeah, host migration is nice


but dedicated servers are better

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I hate it in every single game except for Left 4 Dead 2. In that game, when you make the whole team rage quit, it gives you a sense of accomplishment.



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Spink: Nice. =P


LewaLew: Yeah... It's alright; so long as you don't take the match with you. >_>


Cholie: I think that's okay. It's when the match ends because of a Ragequit that you're annoyed. =P


Leada: Yeah; I know what you mean, since Goldeneye's essentially CODeneye. =P

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I'm playing the new Goldeneye; if you're talking to me.


It's good; and Multiplayer's fun; but when you're getting sniped ten times in the Golden gun mode, it gets annoying. =P

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