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So, I'm getting sick of trying to get Mass Effect to work, to the point I'm considering setting up a dual-boot. However a friend brought up to me the fact that a new, non-upgrade copy of Windows runs pretty much the price of a 360, it may be worth just taking that route.


I'm not completely sold on justifying $100-$200(Nor do I have the money free at the moment) on an operating system yet, but only a handful of 360 games have ever really enticed me, so I'm not sure I can justify $200-$250 on a 360 and copies of ME1 and ME2, even though the addition of hardware makes it much more justifiable.


That said though, I've never really looked into the 360's library outside of the prominent titles for that same reason.


Could someone run down quality 360 RPGs, TBSGs and platformers for me? Bonus points if you know my tastes and can make recommendations as such.


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Borderlands, Tales of Vesperia, Fable II (I wouldn't recommend III), Star Ocean: TLH, Fallout 3/New Vegas, Final Fantasy XIII, Oblivion, Dragon Age, Too Human (This'd probably make a better rental.), Blue Dragon

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I agree with Shine's choices. Borderlands is amazing, one of my favorite games of all time. FF XIII is good for a traditional JRPG, but it's extremely linear. I have Lost Odyssey, which is a pretty impressive game. I also have Eternal Sonata which may not align with your tastes but it has a fun battle system.

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Also, while they aren't RPGs, the Halo titles are still very much worth your while, considering that while they are FPSes, they also have a thick story so I'm sure they'd appeal to you.


Also, De Blob 2. Great 3D platformer.

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Well, each to their own; in my personal opinion, it's a good story, but what Necro does is up to him. I'm simply voicing my suggestion.

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The story of the Halo games is more of an introduction to the books, IMO...


The people above me have suggested some good games and also Mirror's Edge. It's flawed and probably wouldn't be worth paying full $60 for it, but it's old and you can get it used for really cheap and it's a fun platformer.

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