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Worst Fail Ever

Blessed Blade


Seriously need a gaming category.


So, I just played a match on the Docks level in Goldeneye. Everything's fine, I'm sniping away even though I don't have a silencer, doing fairly well for a newbie sniper. Tons of lag starts up near the end. Don't think anything of it. Match ends. Shows me that we won, and that I have +50 XP because of that.




... The game... Froze. *Resists urge to throw controller through screen, but succeeds* =P


But seriously; of all times for it to freeze; it had to be then. Not sure if my XP got saved because of that or not.


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Yeah; I'd likely be the same way too, a week or so ago. xD


They changed a lot, map wise, between the two games. =/ That awesome map(I can't remember it's name, but it's where the Moonraker Laser is typically found I think...) where you can snipe people and only have a vent behind you? Gone. D= I was looking forward to abusing that, too. xD

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Console games that freeze? Major fail. D:


Also, put them all in the Life category for the lulz.


Edit no wait you already are



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Oh, so it freezes for you, too? It's frozen three times in online play and once in Single Player. I thought my copy was just glitchy or something.

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Cholie: I already am, yes. =P And I will. ^_^ Video games are serious business, after all.


Ddude: Froze at least once; I think twice, though that could've been Brawl.

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Yeah...everytime I blog something about gaming...I think about adding a gaming category...but for some reason I never do. lol


One thing I have to ask though...is the Facility in the new one? Best. Level. Ever. (that and the Archives :P)


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Well; maybe Archives, though it is massively different(Better design IMO, though. =P), though Stack's gone. D=


And facility... Is confusing. xD Doesn't have that awesome scientist part either, or if it does, it's massively different from Single Player, which is closer to the N64 version.


Though, since it's Activision doing it, and not Rare, it's understandable.


At least they didn't change up the names of the weapons this time. =P ... Err; much I mean. =P

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I've had that same problem. I was playing a Heroes match on Sewer. I was playing on the Janus team, facing off against the MI6 team. I was going on massive killstreaks (I think I reached a 10-elim streak), and I killed all of the enemy Heroes except for a couple. There wasn't even lag near the end. But once I finished off the last Hero to end the game, and the game showed me that I had gained 1,000+ XP, the game just decided to freeze on me.


But hey, GoldenEye players get used to it. It's still a beastly game. =)

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