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Weekly Update - 3/25

Black Six



The week really needs to stop going by so fast. How is it Friday already? I guess that means you want a Weekly Update.



Let's get some things out of the way first. From BZPower Forum Rules & Guidelines

BZPower does not condone intolerance. If a member treats with disdain another member or content because of race, religious preference, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin, the member will face administrative action up to and including banning if severe enough.


Additionally, the Administration does not consider two individuals kissing to be sexually explicit or otherwise inappropriate. Banners or other images depicting people kissing are not against BZPower's rules.


Great, glad to get that out of the way.


If you haven't already, go check out the results from the previous survey LEGO conducted and go share your thoughts in the new one. It's a great thing for LEGO to be constantly looking for our feedback and input to help improve their company.


In some BZPower-related news, the new staff members finally have forum assignments. But take it easy on them guys and try not to break too many rules, okay? I'm sure they appreciate it.


The entry period for the current RPG Contest ends tonight. Polls will be up shortly after that, so make sure you vote!


Apart from those things, it's really been kind of slow. I've been trying to work on some things behind the scenes, but there hasn't been a huge amount of progress. I hope I have more to share soon, but who knows...



1. Do you like pie?

2. What happens if a staffie "accidentally" revives a topic? Does he/she get fired?

3. Who's your fav HF character?

4. Do you like pizza?

4a. If so, what toppings?

5. What's your fav ice cream flavor?

6. Can forum admins ban members, or only Bzp admins?

7. What's your last Lego set?

8. Do you watch NBA?

8a. If so, what's your fav team?

1. I like some kinds of pie.

2. They might be told to be more careful, but I definitely wouldn't fire them.

3. I think I'd go with good old Billy Furno.

4. I do.

4a. I like all sorts of different things - pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, broccoli, bacon, ham and pineapple are just a few that I like.

5. Chocolate or some derivative thereof.

6. Yes, any admin can ban a member.

7. I think the last one I bought myself was the TIE Defender. I did get one of the Ninjago spinner sets at Toy Fair though.

8. Not since Patrick Ewing retired.

8a. Back then, it was the New York Knickerbockers.


1.Will you write a story ever?

2.If you already have, can you link me to it?

3.Who's your fave comic maker on BZP?

4. Do you love your job here?

1. A Bionicle one? Probably not.

2. Sorry, you're out of luck.

3. I can't say I read too many comics.

4. Sometimes it can be very stressful, but I wouldn't be here if I didn't love it.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Have a great weekend everybody, and remember - be excellent to each other.


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