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Cereal Mascot Rant



"Trix rabbit, for example. If I were him, I'd kill those stupid kids. Like, this one commercial, he went into a store, and bought a box of cereal with his OWN MONEY. Kids come out of nowhere and basically mug the poor rabbit. "Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids." Rabbit just sits there and looks depressed. That would NOT fly with me. I'd have slapped everyone one of those noobs. Then I would make them go get me the rest of a complete breakfast, then eat it all right in front of them. And what about his disguises? He puts a cap on his head to hide his ears, and suddenly he's a little kid? Dunno about you, but if I saw a 6-foot tall RABBIT with a BASEBALL CAP on his head, I wouldn't immediately think - "Hey, that's a cool looking human kid. I'm going to go share my fruity cereal with him." NO...I'd be thinking "That's a 6 foot rabbit with his ears tucked under a hat, what did I eat last night?


Another thing. Why is cereal part of a complete breakfast? I thought cereal WAS a complete breakfast. You got Frosted Flakes, then you got a waffle, pancake, toast, banana, a grapefruit - who eats a breakfast that BIG? I don't even eat breakfast anymore, I just eat when I get up. What's with breakfast being a set time? You make my sausage and egg sandwich when I give you the money, punk.


But back to cereal mascots, for crying out loud - the Lucky Charms guy. Lucky can turn the moon into a freaking marshmallow and he can't escape a bunch of 6 year olds? He has to have a spell like "blow their stupid faces off and keep your charms" or something SOMEWHERE. "They're after my Lucky Charms"? THEN KILL 'EM!"




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XD all cereal commercials are rather stupid.


I mean, Honey Nut Cheerios, with Buzz the Honeybee? What the heck is a mummy doing inside a beehive? Where did that come from?


And the one where the mother drops her baby over the side of "Honey Falls" or something, along with a box of Cheerios, and Buzz is like, "I'll save him lol!" and then he's like "Aaaaah oh no! I'm falling!" and then, wait for it, the absolute WORST ever line: "Wait! I'm a bee, and bees fly!" NO REALLY? And then he rescues the baby and the box of Cheerios of course, and the mother is like "My baby!" and Buzz is like, "AND our Cheerios!" because as everyone knows saving a box of cereal is just as important as saving a freakin' baby.




And Chip the Wolf... didn't he use to be some short fat guy who's like "You can have cookies for breakfast!" but now he's a total ripoff of the Trix Rabbit, I mean, ONE was enough!


Advertisers... *sigh*

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XD, Lyg. And also:


Honey Nut Bee: *gasp* That mummy is sucking up all our honey!

^Why does he know that?


Honey Nut Bee: I only have one shot at this! *shoots honey*

^Why does he only have one shot? And if he can shoot honey, then why does it matter so much?

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Exo, you're crazy. :P




What, has everyone known that for a while? O_o


But yeah, seriously, all those cereal commercials are stupid.

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I totally agree. That Lucky Charms guy should put a mine in the cereal...and when the kids try to eat it, he can blow them up. Seriously, I pity these mascots....robber kids all around......stealing their stuff...I mean, they aren't even one of the bad guys.C'mon, can't you just let a poor rabbit have his Trix? *sigh*

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As annoying as those cereal commercials are, they're nothing compared to the chef boyardee comercial with the kids chaseing the wizard of Oz tin man around a nieghborhood becouse he has a raviolli can for a torso.


I mean, when he gets trapped in the caffetieria full of kids, if that were to go on for just a few seconds more, we would get to see a bunch of kids holding him down and tearing open his chest for some raviolli!

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Ever see the back of those cereal boxes? They all seem to have the same lousy puzzles, riddles, and other stuff. It's like, generic or something.

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The part of a `complete breakfast is to keep overprotective mothers from being all like "THATS NOT HEALTHY" but with he part of a wgole breakfast theing the ceraal companies can be like "YOU GOTSA EAT HEALTHY STUFF TOO"

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Okay, I've fixed it so I have no contraband mentioned.


And this isn't mine, as signified by the quotes. But I had to share it. And I agree with it. :P

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Okay, I've fixed it so I have no contraband mentioned.


And this isn't mine, as signified by the quotes. But I had to share it. And I agree with it. :P




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And then he rescues the baby and the box of Cheerios of course, and the mother is like "My baby!" and Buzz is like, "AND our Cheerios!" because as everyone knows saving a box of cereal is just as important as saving a freakin' baby.

Cheerios taste better.

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And then he rescues the baby and the box of Cheerios of course, and the mother is like "My baby!" and Buzz is like, "AND our Cheerios!" because as everyone knows saving a box of cereal is just as important as saving a freakin' baby.

Cheerios taste better.

You've obviously never eaten a baby bee before.

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This one isn't. This is actually the first stolen material on my blog.


That'll be a trivia question later, you might want to write that down.

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omg ur right






cereal commerceal riters r cra-z bc tey hav noe life

tony The tiger iz toopid he always go


since wen does tiger go grr?

tey usually just eat ur face off.


i guess tehh rabbit noe kill kiddz cuz tehn The poliz cum tak The trix and go:


"Silly Criminal, Trix are for Police who don't have donuts!"


And about The lucky charms commerceal--

y does tahr be a forest of questions?

wat is with cereal growing in a mine? iz it even cereal tehn? i bet it iz rock lawl


tahr after meh lucky charms!

- turns kiz intoes marsh mellos -

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