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Which Should I Get?



So, I'm debating what to get with my thirteen or so dollars: Jetbug or Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity? If I do get the Sonic game, I'll be chipping in with my brother for it, where as Jetbug would be all mine! :evilgrin: However, sharing Sonic games has never been an issue for us (especially since most of them have multiplayer,) so that's not an issue. Comment and let me know which you would buy. Thanks. :)


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Easy answer: Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. :P

Figures, coming from someone who's boycotting HF and trying desperately to bring back Bionicle. :P Anyways, I'll probably get Zero Gravity regardless, since I want to take advantage of my brother's willingness to chip-in while I still can. :P

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Uh... Depends for which console.


If it's PS2, skip it and get Jetbug.


If it's Wii, get it. But be warned it's over soon. And Super Sonic sucks.

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Uh... Depends for which console.


If it's PS2, skip it and get Jetbug.


If it's Wii, get it. But be warned it's over soon. And Super Sonic sucks.

Well, then I guess I won't use him. It's for Wii, seeing as how I don't have any other games systems, and probably won't get them because we only got the Wii since it's "active" (although many of the games aren't.) The only other thing would be either PSMove, or Xbox Kinect, and probably the latter if either since PSMove is essentially the same as Wii. Kinect is also rather expensive, since we'd need that, and the Xbox, plus if we wanted any games for it aside from Kinect Adventures. (although if we do get that, Sonic Free Riders will be the first game I plan on getting.) Okay then, I guess Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity it is (unless someone says otherwise.) Now to wait for my brother to clean up the bunny mess on our back porch so Mom will take us to Best Buy. :P

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C'mon, only 13 bucks more.

I only have around thirteen bucks now, so I can only buy one, (and only Zero Gravity if I chip in with my brother, which I will, and I finished the porch today with my brother.) Anyways, I do plan on getting both, as I was more asking which I should get first. (although I also want to get Stormer so I can fight Fire Lord on Creep Crushers, but Jetbug comes first.)

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This might be biased due to my not playing many video games, but Jetbug is better.

1. His engine things and trans-orange armor are good for MOCing

2. You made chibi 2.0 heroes, but no chibi fire villains.

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This might be biased due to my not playing many video games, but Jetbug is better.

1. His engine things and trans-orange armor are good for MOCing

2. You made chibi 2.0 heroes, but no chibi fire villains.

Sorry, but I already bought Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. However, I'll be getting Jetbug next, and promise to chibify him shortly after that (and the reason I haven't made any fire villain chibis is because neither I nor my brother has any fire villains.)

edit: Alright, since this entry has served it's purpose, I'll be locking it, although you can still post suggestions about the game here.

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