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April Fools' Day





Although I have not recieved one prank yet that I didn't foresee, I thought several things were pranks, and only later did I realize they were not jokes, they were the horrible truth. Long story short, 25% of my social life has been nuked and only now do I realize it.


So, please don't prank me. I'm sorry to let those of you down who would like to trick your favorite gullible fruit, but I don't think I can stomach it.


-Der Blitzschnitt


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You don't. But I don't prank as a rule, and I assure you, I have reason not to; I hate it when I feel dumb because someone fooled me with a clever prank, especially if it's about something important.


-Der Blitzschnitt

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Like the Adderrig joke? :lol:


Quite honestly, I don't feel like that was one to laugh about anymore. I mean, you guys were not only judging, which is bad in my book, but also faking that a person had gone onto the site and flamed majorly...And quite frankly, I don't feel like either the crude imitation, or the expletives included in it, were anything that should have been put on the site.


-Der Blitzschnitt

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I will refrain from making April Fool's jokes seeing as they don't have much effect on the internet, and am rather time crunched due to the increasing growth of the grass in my front and back yards, therefore depriving me of the time to make a sufficiently comedic one.


Good day.




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