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Hero Factory

Elmara: Spirit Of Fire


Frankly, I think the hate over Hero Factory is really silly. (I could use much harsher words, but the word filter prevents me from doing so.)


Most of the arguments against Hero Factory are ridiculous. There are basically two that Hero Factory haters fall back on (Three, if you're one of those 'Bring Bionicle Back' people). 1) Bad set design and 2) Bad story.


Okay, now that we're all familiar with these arguments, let's dig a little deeper.


1) Bad set design. Honestly, could someone fill me in on this here? Like, I get this if we're talking about the first Hero Factory sets, but I think 2.0's set design was pretty good. I don't really understand what the deal is here. Like, I suppose there is the problem of the back being empty and such, but most of the problems could be easily fixed. The torso has great MOC'ing potential, and fixes the 'ape' proportions. I suppose it's hard to completely debunk this, but really, it's all a matter of personal opinion.


2)Bad story. Okay, this one can be broken down quite a bit. When people say the story is bad, I assume they are talking about the fact that it is so simple. It's rather silly, really. You see, simplicity, in both story and sets, was something that Bionicle had at the beginning. Seriously, this is ridiculous. We had no idea that Bionicle was ever going to end up with the elaborate story that it had. No one could have ever predicted all the things that happened. No one can predict what's going to happen in Hero Factory. You see, my brother complained about the simple story in Bionicle (He was more into complicated stories like Halo) way back in 2003. Argument: Invalid.


Okay, so I've covered the two basic arguments that HF-haters use. The third, which boils down to "I Hate Hero Factory because it replaced Bionicle is invalid. I shouldn't have to explain this, but for the sake of the argument, I shall.


Basically, this argument does not make sense because the whole premise of the hate is based on timing. Had Hero Factory come out while Bionicle was still running, guys like Makuta_Of_Oz (Yes, I mentioned you again) would not complain.


So, There it is. Yet another essay on Lego, Bionicle, and hate. Thank you for reading.



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I saw the first opinion being passed as fact and gave up on your argument right then and there.


Seriously, I've had two rants pointing out the myriad flaws of the Heroes 2.0 and 3.0; you can't call them "genius" and say it fact if I can disagree just as logically.

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Twice in a row. Do you love me or something?


Anyway, you're definitely right about timing. If HF started while Bionicle was still going, or if Bionicle was replaced by HF at the start of 2012 at the earliest, I would indeed not be complaining about it.

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You know i have got to agree with you Elmara. The original sets were kind of bad but the new ones are quite awesome. And as for the story i don't follow it so.......No comment.
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