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Super Mario Rpg: L O T S S - Bowser Fight



Updated with pictures: 02/27/07



Slota was right. Then again he knew this was the game. (Way to spoil a party.) Many of my friends know I think this game is awesome and easily worth the $8 it costs on the Virtual Console. Before the game is relaunches (It hasn't launched yet.) I'll post a few transcripts I found on my computer. We start out at the beginning of the game. No spoilers here so I won't use spoiler tags. In future entries later this week I will. I don't want anyone to have such an awesome game spoiled.


In the way of guides, I'll post short boss strategies and how to get all the treasure in the game. If nothing else look at how to get the treasure, there are a few chests that you only have one chance to get.


Also, I won't use color tags for the guides and other stuff.


For now just enjoy the first fight in the game... well a transcription of it. :P


~The Bowser Fight~


PRELUDE: Toadstool prances off to visit Mario for the afternoon, but he's taking a nap or something, so she just sits in his garden and harmonizes with the flowers and butterflies. Bowser swoops down in his Klown Kopter and disappears into the bowels of his Keep.....and Mario wakes up at this convenient moment to go rescue her....so he slams his way through Bowser's troopas, who just pace the hallways.


(Mario walks into the the throne room, all ready to fight. But he doesn't see anyone...)


(Oh my! There's Toadstool up there! So he jumps onto the chandelier and...)


TOADSTOOL: Don't let Bowser bruise you, Mario!


BOWSER: Mario! Prepare yourself for the great beyond!


(Mario and Bowser beat each other up a bit)


TOADSTOOL: Mario! The chain! Aim for the chain!


(Mario doesn't catch on and continues trying vainly to harm Bowser.)


BOWSER: What a joke!! Put some muscle into it!


(After more timely advice from Toadstool, Mario begins trying to weaken the chain that supports Bowser's chandelier.)




BOWSER: What was that sound? (sees chain) N...n...NO!!! It's a chain reaction! Hang on, Kinklink!! Eyaaaaa!!


(down he falls)


(Mario makes peace/victory sign.)


BOWSER: Coming, Mario?


(One mallet of Bowser's up and Mario slips off chandelier, holding on with white knuckles....)


TOADSTOOL: Fight, Mario! FIGHT!!!


(Mario clambers back on and makes another victory sign)


BOWSER: This should FINISH you!


(Another mallet and Mario joins Bowser in his falling...)


BOWSER: Mwa ha! Did you think I was just gonna GIVE her to ya? You're ALWAYS in my way! This is IT! I'm gonna take you out, Mario!


(Bowser swipes but Mario manages to escape within an inch of his life...)


BOWSER: Fungah! Foiled again!


(and down Bowser goes...)


(Mario jumps extremely high and catches what's left of the chain.)


TOADSTOOL: Oh, Mario! You had me so worried! Let's get out of here!


(Keep shakes violently!!)


TOADSTOOL: Shriek!! Mario! I'm going to fall!


(A giant sword (Exor) falls from the sky crashing into the keep sending, Mario, Princess Peach Toadstool, and Bowser flying off into different directions.)


More to come. Next one is the first Croco fight.






Recommended Comments

That game launched?! That game was my favorite!!


I never beat it, though. I got stuch like on this airship near the end. Those little dudes were so hard. :o


Oh, btw, do you still have the Bleach intro for download? I'd love to put it on my Zune :P

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Not yet. I'm just getting ready for it's launch.


The Axem Rangers. Two words for you. Lazy Shell.


I'll re-upload the intro and add the other intros later this week. Just be sure to worship me and my infinite awesomeness. :P



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That's a awesome game. Did you get the frying pan for Peach? I didn't....and I regretted it when I faced off Smithy. :P

Edit: Yeah, one of the hardest chests to get is on the door in the Mushroom Kingdom castle. You had to stand on Toad's head and jump. Since he will only walk through the door for once..... :P

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Slota was right. Then again he knew this was the game. (Way to spoil a party.)

So it's my fault you told me that the game Super Mario RPG: LotSS was super awesome?



But anyways, when I get the Wii, and when that game launches on the virtual console, chances are I'll be downloading it, considering it never came out in Europe....





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I got the frying pan. The only thing I failed at was the 30 consecutive jumps and the 100 consecutive jumps. That is hard... the most I got was about 25.


That is going to be one of the chest secrets. It took me forever to figure out how to get that one. There are more too. Pus I'll add in other secrets. Such as the Mystery Egg and its purpose. You can get a really useful item with it.


Slota, yes it is your fault. :P And I noticed you used other information I gave you in that comment.



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So it will be released for the VC? Has this been confirmed? If so I must have it then, I had better get more Wii points.

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I got the frying pan. The only thing I failed at was the 30 consecutive jumps and the 100 consecutive jumps. That is hard... the most I got was about 25.

Me too....I made it to 18 jumps or so, but that's it. And I heard you could get real good stuff off the dog......Super Jacket, I think? And that thing seems to increase your speed a lot.......some gamer said that Mario, equipped with that thing, attacked the hidden FF boss before he made his 'I am matter' speech. That is totally cool.

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