Hey, all! I'm still alive and kicking! I hope you are all doing well as I know it's been a long time since my last visit.
Life has been uh... or I guess continued to be crazy? But things are mostly pretty good right now, there is still a lot that could be better but I'm still here and trying to move forward. My last entry was 2019... so a lot has happened. I'm back in my house thankfully. It's not perfect but it's livable so that's a good thing. Housing was questionable for awhile from hote
I disappear for a few years and the whole website changes. Why do you do this to me?
But in reality life has uhhhh really freaking sucked.
Still recovering from freaking hurricane freaking sandy in 2012.
We had a contractor steal $60,000 this year. So that messed everything up. Here is a tumblr post from before we had that stolen that sums up everything from 2012 to the start of this year. It's insane.
At this point right now we are in an RV park that closes in like two weeks
I posted this on my various social media accounts earlier but I am going to talk about it here too. As many of you know I talked about our cat, Pickles quite a bit. So it is with a heavy heart that I must say that she passed away yesterday morning. RIP Pickles. Love you, Pickles.
So at some point I plan to stream some Super Mario Maker. I don't know when just yet... but I want you to send me Super Mario Maker stages here! At some point I will play them on a stream coming up!
So, this month has been good for me on twitch and I am still planning on doing more as we go forward. I've been doing a lot of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD. I've been archiving them to YouTube here. I will say we do try to keep things PG, but the occasional thing may slip through. So please check it out though! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlESMZrnKEg&list=PL_Sf7EFHuTUjucHSOy7TF1iXwQcKUCK_2 What might interest some of you more though is stuff like multiplayer Smash Bros.
I know that I haven't visited here too much lately, but I would like to change that. I can't make too many promises but hopefully more than a few times a year. One of my plans will help with that, as you will see I've updated and fixed a bunch of broken images. While doing that a few were added, like my Tumblr and my Twitch links. I'm still new to the whole streaming thing, and I'm still working on getting things set up and optimized. However... I have had a plan for a very long time. And th
So Super Mario Maker just came out a few days ago, and I've got to say it is a lot of fun so far. Both playing creative levels and making them. I've really only gone through about half of my ideas regarding levels... and I am constantly adding more. I thought I would share some of the ideas I've already shared on my tumblr here. This stage is the battleship Halberd from the Kirby series. You adventure over it, past the Combo Canon and even fight a few bosses.This is currently my most po
Now... before I start off let me just say that Lego Dimensions looks absolutely fantastic and I really want to like this game. I honestly do. It looks witty and funny. But... they aren't selling you a complete game. Why? Because the model works. Look at Activision's Skylanders series and Disney's Infinity series. But with Skylanders you don't need every figure to be able to play and enjoy the games. The figures add do the series and you do need some level packs for additional content but you
Hey everyone! I figured I would give you all a little update on how I've been doing since whenever the heck my last entry was. I still pop in every once in awhile and look around/read the news. (Please update the front page. It gets older by the day and is well past it's prime.) Anyway, I'll start with the good news. I'm still alive. Sometimes I do wonder how, there have still been so many ups and downs since Hurricane Sandy in 2012. I did manage to pick up all of the new Toa. i only paid fu
So, I've been thinking about things regarding my own gender for awhile. As pretty much anyone here knows my boyfriend is transgender and he has helped me understand a lot of things about myself. Basically, I don't really fit into girl or boy. I'm nonbinary. I identify with parts from both genders and want to be androgynous. I've posted about this on my tumblr before, but I haven't said anything here. I used to think I had a bit of a thing for crossdressing, but now to me, it's not about that
So I've been doing some experiments with MMD over the last couple days and i created some masterpieces. Have some Wally doing PonPonPon! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Rw7pSvd_-k And Brendan and Wally doing a Christmas Caramelldansen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSJA1oZeruE I HAVE TOO MUCH POWER OVER THESE DORKS Also hi I am still alive and stuff.
On Saturday of NYCC I got to meet someone awesome someone who helped make science fun: Bill Nye The science Guy! We also got his new book and he signed it. We had to wait three hours in line, but it was worth it. His book is unreleased, as it releases next month. And the book, autograph, and photo were all free! It was very classy and it hit me in the feels. I've been a fan of The Science Guy since well before Bionicle! :3
I managed to get a hold of amazing and incredible news before Lego talks about Bionicle at NYCC. They managed to get Tahu into Super Smash Bros. with some future DLC. Look at these incredible and totally not fake screenshots.
Sandy Updates New Year Edition (Note: Most of this was typed about two weeks ago. I’ve added a few things since then.) I am just now getting around to typing this. We have been super busy and will continue to be super busy for the coming month. An important deadline is coming up for us regarding the Insurance company… namely the deadline for filing a lawsuit. This is a deadline that we unfortunately can’t miss otherwise our case can be thrown out. It sucks that some parts of the law are more
For those of you who don't have a Wii U but do have 3DS, you can now get in on the Miiverse fun! The major 3DS update that includes Miiverse just went live! If you want to follow me my handle on Miiverse is Kohakuchan. You can also find it here on the website: https://miiverse.nintendo.net/users/Kohakuchan Miiverse is pretty awesome and I recommend that everyone checks it out. UPDATE: There is also an update for streetpass. You can also post screenshots to Miiverse with the 3DS. To do
Hey all, it is time for the usual Hurricane Sandy related updates. So we talked to so more people who are going to help us with important documentation such as the Proof of Loss that has to be submitted. The reason we need help is this is one of the most important forms. It has to be 110% perfect. It may be necessary for a future step that we might need to do if we can't get the insurance company to come up to our level. We still need money and they don't want to pay. Therefore we might nee
I have a few updates for everyone. First off this week has been super busy so I was unable to post the next lovely story. Sorry about that. I did have some good things happen though! But first I do want to thank a few people. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for all of you. These people are (in no particular order): Jedi Master J. Alku Hahli Husky Princess Grr My friends at Squishbag My darling Aleks And pretty much everyone I've talked to this year Seriously, this past year has been tough
I found out today that my father needs to have open heart surgery. He has a blockage and needs a bypass. And I cried. I just wish I could be back in Wisconsin so much and be with my mother and father for awhile. I'm going insane because there isn't anything I can do! With the money issues we've been having it makes it more than impossible and just I feel so hopeless. :/
Today I am posting a bonus comic from the internet. I also have a few words to share with you today thanks to my boyfriend Aleks. Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR), occurs annually on November 20th at the conclusion of Transgender Awareness Week. It is a day to memorialize those who have been killed as a result of transphobia and anti-transgender violence. Even now, anti-transgender hatred is largely ignored and many of these murders are still unsolved. TDoR serves to raise awareness of ha
This is a bit late, I wanted to have it up earlier... and I wanted to do a different story but the files for it are all over 500kb and need to be edited. It has been a pain trying to edit them. So today in honor of the coming winter and holiday season we have a more festive themed entry. Enjoy. The Boy in Winter