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I Am The Culprit.

Watashi Wa


So if you guys haven't noticed (and I'm sure the majority of you haven't) that I've been rather innactive lately, well, I have.


I've mostly been busy with school and work. School is getting to the point where all of the teachers are giving us that one big "paper" that always comes this time of year. Work is work. Usually end up working 5:30 - 9:30 during the school week.


If I'm not at work or school, I'm probably hanging out with my friends. Oddly, there have been some pretty awesome movies coming out lately. Movies + friends = killer time.


And if I'm not hanging out with my friends, I'm probably stuck at home playing Xbox360. Currently I've been playing a lot of Gears of War, Crackdown, and FEAR. Those games are killer. And the achievements make them so much better.


But the highlight of these past few days was Sunday night. Four other friends and I went to Birmingham for a concert. Lemme tell you, that thing friggin' rocked. Underoath was so hardcore. There were three mosh pits going on at any time. Plus, we had the best view in the auditorium. Taking Back Sunday was playing with them too, so that was cool. After the concert, we got a little, erm..."lost" in Birmingham. But that's always the funnest part, trying to find our way back home. :P


Heh, once we got hungry we went to Wendy's, but we couldn't go inside because the lobby was closed. So, instead of everyone ordering at one time and getting confused with cash/change through the drive-thru, we kept driving around and making orders. 'T was fun.


Anywho, I've just dropped by to give an update and check the forums for any news. If you've PMd me and I haven't replied, sorry. I'm not ignoring you. :P


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You're just like me, I hvaen't been active for a week cause I had these dress rehearsal things for a performance and I had performances all Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I'm also hanging out with my friends so just remember friends are more important than BZP r whatever you do on the computer.



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And that time on Gears of War, you should help me with insane! Nargh! The wretches can just go away! :P Well, at least you are keeping your priorities straight. That's a plus right there.

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