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Sam I Am... Not



Okay, we get it: you're Dr. Seuss because you realized "rhyme" sounds like "time" and "poet" sounds like "know it." In fact, I'm so sick of hearing those phrases for poetry: they're some of the lamest, most overdone expressions. (There are very few exceptions, but they have to be within the context of the poem.)


For some reason, people think poetry is all about just making final words sound alike, but that's not true. Good poetry and bad poetry have rhyming words... of course, hardly a poem is written without rhyming that doesn't make my head think to read it like a story or an essay. In other words, if it doesn't rhyme, my mind will try to read it a certain way.


I'm not going to give advice on how to write poetry. I feel that's something that's rather difficult to suggest improvements, as heartfelt poetry is usually something personal. Granted, there are ways to help improve poems and poetry styles, but like I said, they're usually something that comes from oneself.


The only advice I can offer is not to rush or force something just to say you write poetry: it's usually something best reserved for a quiet, peaceful place. Think about it: if you write while listening to music, odds are greater you'll end up copying some of what you listen to, as that's mostly rhyming words. If you watch television, those things are likely to infiltrate your poem. Of course, this all depends on your subject matter, such as if you're writing to parodize or honor something or someone in particular.


I occasionally do write poems: some good, some bad-- as seen around here, though those are spur of the moment based on the occasion, so you have to give me some credit. I've also written partial songs; unfortunately, that's as far as they'll probably ever get, and I can't even offer advice on limericks, as I'm terrible at those.


BZP's server we have fought

It doesn't work like it ought.

With a rushed hand, I tried to post,

But now I'm told it's a ghost.


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM


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It's for that very reason that I have come to a certain conclusion. Bad rap is no doubt the lowest form of somg, but good rap is no doubt the highest form of poetry. Someone submitted a rap they had written themself to the Basilisk (a little book of art, essays, stories, and poetry that my school publishes yearly), and it was one of the best poems I ever read. The reason it was so good was because it had an irregular rhyme scheme, similarly to the rhyme scheme of Edgar Allen Poe's The Bells. Noone can doubt Dr. Seuss's genius, particularly his ability to add a deeper meaning to the most harmless and innocent of books (a good example is The Butter Battle Book). However, though his stories are inspirational, most attempts to imitate them are not nearly as profound, due to a failure at adding that same degree of metaphor.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time

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I was actually using Dr. Seuss because it was the first name that popped into my head and for a rhyme I forgot to mention that I often hear from certain person/people I know: "Dr. Seuss on the loose."


I wouldn't use rap as the end-all for judging poetry because there are worse poems, not intended as rap. Some "poems" I hear go nowhere and are only spur-of-the-moment from people who are terrible at that sort of thing.


Imitators also fail because Dr. Seuss often made up and rhymed some really weird words; somehow he made it work. Making up words just to rhyme something is rather difficult, especially since no one else will know what you're talking about. The closest modern comparison I could probably think of off the top of my head is Weird Al, even though he's a singer: sure he has hits and misses (personally speaking), but his songs are just off-the-wall (not with bizarre new words, just in general).


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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