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its a blog


So I was finally able to get a premier membership. I now have an insanely large collection of Krana, a bold name, a proto boost, and this. Now, I doubt anyone's going to read this, but I'll update it once in a while.


Also, first person to identify which game my blog name, sig, and avie come from wins a cookie. :3


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I'm more of a Nintendo girl.

Same here, except, I'm a guy. :P That, and I have yet to get a DS although I might get one eventually. However, I'll probably wait a bit to get one on sale once the 3DS's take over, unless they stop making DS games in which case I probably won't buy one (maybe a DSi though, especially since I need a new camera. :P) Also, I'll be back in a sec with your blog award.

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I'm more of a Nintendo girl.

Same here, except, I'm a guy. :P That, and I have yet to get a DS although I might get one eventually. However, I'll probably wait a bit to get one on sale once the 3DS's take over, unless they stop making DS games in which case I probably won't buy one (maybe a DSi though, especially since I need a new camera. :P) Also, I'll be back in a sec with your blog award.

Yeah, I'm not too much of a Nintendo guy, but they have some pretty good games. And for more portable games, I like to stick to my iPod. :3

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Look at what I've done! I've turned your first entry into the Nintendo discussion, and your Legendary Essences theory into a milkshake discussion! And I've taken over your quotes block!




Speaking of the world, after I cleaned my glasses, I just yelled "THE WORLD IS IN HIGH DEFINITIOOOOOON!

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I'm more of a Nintendo girl.

Same here, except, I'm a guy. :P That, and I have yet to get a DS although I might get one eventually. However, I'll probably wait a bit to get one on sale once the 3DS's take over, unless they stop making DS games in which case I probably won't buy one (maybe a DSi though, especially since I need a new camera. :P) Also, I'll be back in a sec with your blog award.

Yeah, I'm not too much of a Nintendo guy, but they have some pretty good games. And for more portable games, I like to stick to my iPod. :3

Oh, I never bought an iPod because I think they're overrated. :P The main reason I have Wii though is because my Dad considers it "active," so it's probably the only one we're allowed to have, except for maybe the 360, but only if we get Kinect with it. Plus, I mainly buy Sonic games, and Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic and the Secret Rings are both exclusive to Wii, along with Sonic Colors which is only for Wii and DS. (although getting kinect would be nice since Sonic Free Riders is exclusive to that.)

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I'm more of a Nintendo girl.

Same here, except, I'm a guy. :P That, and I have yet to get a DS although I might get one eventually. However, I'll probably wait a bit to get one on sale once the 3DS's take over, unless they stop making DS games in which case I probably won't buy one (maybe a DSi though, especially since I need a new camera. :P) Also, I'll be back in a sec with your blog award.

Yeah, I'm not too much of a Nintendo guy, but they have some pretty good games. And for more portable games, I like to stick to my iPod. :3

Oh, I never bought an iPod because I think they're overrated. :P The main reason I have Wii though is because my Dad considers it "active," so it's probably the only one we're allowed to have, except for maybe the 360, but only if we get Kinect with it. Plus, I mainly buy Sonic games, and Sonic and the Black Knight, Sonic and the Secret Rings are both exclusive to Wii, along with Sonic Colors which is only for Wii and DS. (although getting kinect would be nice since Sonic Free Riders is exclusive to that.)

butbut PS3 has the PSMove D:


Actually, PSMove (and Sports Champions, a game for the PSMove) can give you a pretty good workout, and I think the PS3 costs a little less than the 360.


@Neelh: They should seriously have an Official Milkshake topic in the COT. B)

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