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Inspiration 2.0

hey it's felix


As you probably all know, 2.0 parts are the bomb. Wish I could say the same for the storyline... but who gives a fudge.


So, I got:



Furno 2.0 x 2.0 (yes that means 2 of them :P)


My opinion on Nitroblast:

Not bad. I think the problem with all these villain sets (Firelord excluded) is that their heads are too far forward. I know they want to go for the evil, hunched-over look, but seriously, who the heck has a neck longer than their forearm?

For parts, this guy has a ton. Nothing unique when compared to the other villains, but his beefy ape-arm has a lot of the new limb pieces, which could be handy to some. Oh, and the red Meltdown bucket is cool :3



A much more solid set. The coloured pieces are to die for :D I would've liked to see a bit more armour on the arms, and some better weapon placement. The head has the same problem as Nitroblast, but a little less severe. Pretty cool set IMO.


Furno 2.0

Meh. The same as all the other heroes. Plus he has silly goggles. I mainly bought him for the red parts (which might just be used on some upcoming COGs...).


Be expecting some combiners and revamps soon, along with some experimental stuff.


Oh yeah, and please slap me if I don't blog in a while. I keep forgetting I have a blog. :wacko:




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Woah I'm so jealous I want the villains and a second Furno as well. Why must you always get what I want before me... :lol: don't take this sentence seriously.


Lol, good building. I know I'll eventually get all the 2.0 sets. Their pieces are so awesome.


PS Can't wait for MOCs with the villains' pieces.

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Cool! I'm looking forward to some new MOCs! :lol: I only have Jetbug and Surge 2.0. And that is all of my Hero Factory sets :P The originals were a total bomb (the bad kind) and I didn't bother buy them (even though I never made any money anyway).

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