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Sub W I P Part 3



Boo Yah!




So as you can probably tell, my sub has now grown larger than my current MOC picture area. heck, it's almost as long as my entire dresser. Sure, it's narrow, but still...


I got my last parts order in. Or well, the last one for now; I'm expecting a few more bricks to come in that could be added to this. It's about 98% complete; my last blink order was missing all the inverted slopes I paid for... and that was at least $2, so I'm expecting replacement bricks to show up or I leave negative feedback. I ordered extra in another order, so now my sub's only missing a few, but still, they're a necessity.


I may tweak the design a bit between now and BrickFair. I'll come out right now and say it; I don't like the section between the front bridge and the big sphere in the middle. It's too... boring when compared to the rest of the sub. However, the whole functionality of the hinge doors opening calls for such blandness. And the hinge doors work wonderfully; I've got magnet connectors inside so that the sub can store up to 3 trans orange boxes with crystals in it. So if I want to spice up the middle design with windows and such (you can see that I've already tried) then I might have to lose on the hinge doors function. So is it a good compromise? Time will tell.


Also, the extra vehicle underneath the large dome will need work. What I currently have is small and simple, but it leaves a lot of space underneath it that is otherwise inaccessible. So larger vehicles / mechs are still possible ideas.


Otherwise, I am satisfied with the sub's outcome. Although it's built in sections, in connects very well, with only a few troubled areas in the middle (where there's the most stress on it, I believe). Now the question is... what next? Perhaps I should build an Aqua Sharks sub to rival this one. (Seriously, something that's black, blue, and trans orange, with more fins and weapons, but also perhaps only half as long. Eh, it's an idea for the future.)


Anyway, at some point soon, I'll try to take more detailed pictures of it, maybe even post it in a topic. ( :bigeek: ) There's a lot of detail to be seen, and I wanna show it off. :P




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That looks better than I thought from the other WiP pics you showed. I like that HF claw arm thing. And I'm amazed that you've gotten this done so fast, you must have spent a lot of time and money on this thing.


I really like the middle ball canopy area, and if I were you I'd be tempted to take out or play down the various canopies that are on the front to make the middle ball/canopy/thing the main bridge. But that would most likely mess with the level of detail you have going on here, kinda like the thing you pointed out about the front-mid-section.


Another thing I'd like to see (and something to keep you busy) would be a couple huge propellers on the back. Like one on each side with a circle frame thing, I'm thinking like 20x20 for rough dameters.


Anyway, yeah, you should be proud of this critter, I like it. :)


I should build a SHIP sometime...


> 55555

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I like that mid-section you don't like. It's practical. While there are details on the other sections, this is wide and useful, allowing for stuff to be going on inside it.



Another thing I'd like to see (and something to keep you busy) would be a couple huge propellers on the back. Like one on each side with a circle frame thing, I'm thinking like 20x20 for rough dameters.

> 55555

Maybe at least those big silver ones from Atlantis. Two of those would be good.



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Another thing I'd like to see (and something to keep you busy) would be a couple huge propellers on the back. Like one on each side with a circle frame thing, I'm thinking like 20x20 for rough dameters.

> 55555

Maybe at least those big silver ones from Atlantis. Two of those would be good.



I was thinking like one of those squared. :P


> 55555

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I really like the middle ball canopy area, and if I were you I'd be tempted to take out or play down the various canopies that are on the front to make the middle ball/canopy/thing the main bridge. But that would most likely mess with the level of detail you have going on here, kinda like the thing you pointed out about the front-mid-section.


Another thing I'd like to see (and something to keep you busy) would be a couple huge propellers on the back. Like one on each side with a circle frame thing, I'm thinking like 20x20 for rough dameters.


> 55555

Well, some of the trans blue discs between the main dome and the front domes are recent add ons to make the middle less boring, so those might be going out.


As for the propellers... well, the entire back of the ship is only 28 studs wide, and far less than 20 studs tall... so I think propellers of those size are a little out of my range. :P


Thankee for the comments.



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If you didn't like the middle section much would there be a way of adding tubes to it? You could keep them out the way of the hinged bits, make them look like hydraulics for the arms or something

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