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Unauthorized Biography Of Pumaa And Other Updates





1) Go check out Swert's latest "bonus" Multiverse story, The Unauthorized Biography Of Toa Pumaa! This is an "episode 4.5" of sorts but it doesn't really spoiler anything from Cipher Chronicles, so check it out even if you haven't read those! It's been a fun project to work with Swert on, and we hope you guys like it. ^_^



2) Taxes are taxing. Yeah.


3) I've got Endless Blue almost totally written. Just the final few chapters of the end showdown to write. I think yall'll like it. :D


4) I've come up with a concept for a new computer game, which I've made several preliminary graphics for (minus shading/lighting). It will be very much like MNOG 1, click-through screens and stuff -- it's always felt disappointing to me we never got a game very similar to that, and from the fan works I've seen most seem to be more like MNOG 2, which is fine but they're slower with more chores. However this will have a lot more battles, including early on, if I pull it off.


I do not plan to tie this into any other stories. It'll standalone in a self-contained setting taking place in the distant future on the restored Spherus Magna, but with completely new characters and species and everything, without relying on much if anything from old story. I want this, ideally, to do a lot of what MNOG did and thrust the player into a whole new world -- definately Bionicle, but so new as to feel very mysterious. It will work totally in a major canon gap that I doubt will ever get filled -- you'll see why just from the title when I'm ready to reveal it. :P So basically it "could" be canon, except there are no sets, heh.


I plan to make this in Gamemaker most likely, unlike all the past games me and Ojhilom have made. It'll be heavily quality-graphic and gameplay-battle oriented, with minimal chores or speeches, just enough to add interest along the way. I want to focus on the fun factor and cool imagery factor as much as possible. Ojhilom probably won't have time for the coding but I've done enough code tests to know pretty sure I can do it myself, the hard part will mostly be making all the graphics, which I'll be doing in Powerpoint -- this won't be pixel art as I'm planning. It should appear much more like MNOG's art. :)


So yeah, I dun' wanna reveal more at this time but there's some heads up to tease it. :) After taxes are done I want to finish EB, and then work heavily on this.



5) Just to confirm, I haven't forgotten about Unseen, got the final two chapters planned but not written, and many apologies for the huge delay. But right now the final chapters probably need to involve something the BSS is actually discussing right now and given that I have other things to do, I think I'll most likely wait to see if anything is done with that canonically before I go ahead with my version of it.





6) Oh yes I knew I forgot something I was gonna post here lol. I have untracked all my tracked blogs, bar none. I finally realized that I keep having to go past them all to look at pages 2 and 3 to see other blogs, when now blog activity is slow enough there's no need, I can just untrack them all and see them right on page 1. I might be crazy but it seems to be working, heh.


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Your link to UBOP is... Wrong. :P

Ya thanks for pointing that out lol. Usually I test all links before submitting but was in a rush. I blame taxes. :P


Anyways fixed. :)

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It's almost here! I actually named one of my study room bookings "Endless Blue" cuz it was on my mind. :P


Game sounds great too. Any chance it'll be playable on Mac? With the new Mac App Store it's possible that the program used to play it on PCs has been redesigned for Macs now... can you offer any details on this?

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