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Worldscape Entrance

Riisiing Moon


Welcome to Worldscape!


Whoa, What's This?


'Creation' is a pretty vague word. The immediate meaning is bringing something into existence that wasn't there before. Of course we can't apply this definition to physical objects, as in today's modern world it's slightly impossible to actually create a tangible thing from nothing. Creation, though, applies to thoughts as well as objects. There is a clear distinction between impulse, and creative thought--impulse is when a thought enters your mind, and creative thought is when you actively draw it out of that dark chaos.


Everyone, of course, incorporates creative thought pretty much constantly, but the people who employ it the most, I believe, are writers. That term is vague as well--I'm referring to fiction writers, for one, but that also means RPG writers, RPG players, artists of all forms, and anyone else who's wanted to do any of that, but never quite got down to it. Worldscape is, as its name suggests, the process of creating a world. It is open to any human being who happens to occupy this planet and utilizes creative thought. Your task upon joining is simply to draw the best kind of thoughts from your head, and sculpt an entire world with them.


Not too bad, right?


Worldscape is an elaborately thought-out process. To answer the burning question on your mind, it will, in fact, be fun. Hopefully loads of fun. And, considering the fact that this is a major project, it'll last a while--which means yes, you won't see results until that while is over, but you'll be stalling that time by having unchecked amounts of fun. And yes, there will be results--the more effort you put into Worldscape, as the saying goes, the more you get out, and you will actually get something out of it. The world will be created by you as much as it is by any other participant, myself included. In that sense, I guess you could call me the founder or director of Worldscape, but you literally deserve as much credit as me.


The Admins


Worldscape is a step-by-step process. The first step is to pick a team of Worldscape administrators. So, what do the admins do? Basically, they direct the whole project. Worldscape is kept off the ground by tasks, each run for two weeks. Each task is constructed of a couple of steps. Tasks have a specific purpose, and the end of each task merits a result. For example, say I give you the task to make an indigenous population to the Worldscape realm. The end result will be hopefully close to perfection based on the fact that everyone's participating and so should be well-liked, but when the subject is set in stone, its up to the administrative team to fix and flukes. We're the editors, the guys who improve based on what we think is wrong. We're also the guys who submit for publication, in a sense; it's our take on things submitted by you guys that becomes part of the actual world.


Don't fret, though, because the end result edited by us will be mostly the same as the one you guys, the participants, wanted. The admins exist to serve, not take the glory. In fact, if all goes well, your guys' end result should be so good we may barely need to edit at all.


So, just how d you get this esteemed position? Well, the admins--four of 'em--are going to be handpicked by me. Some qualifications are needed--friendliness, for one. A harsh, robotic leader isn't exactly the essence of representation and motivation. Charisma's a pretty useful one as well. Someone who can really get down to it fast and efficiently when it needs to be gotten down, someone who can get Worldscape followers and participants, someone who's really confident they can actually make a difference. Of course, you've gotta be a smart guy. You have to know what the people want, what seem the most fantastic for the world. Peeling away business words, that basically means you have to know what's freaking awesome and what just doesn't fit or work. You've probably got to be a pretty decent writer, as well, but that doesn't matter as much.


Now comes the easy part. A couple of days after this entry's posted, I'll post an entry which is really nothing more than auditions. Everyone who wants to take on the responsibility of an admin and thinks they'd be a great representative of Worldscape gets to post a quick paragraph or two as to why they want to be a Worldscape admin, and what makes them worth it. If you get shot down, doesn't mean anything other than someone else is a better leader, which doesn't say anything about your own leadership skills. After all, I can only choose three others. And it definitely doesn't mean you can't participate--in fact, it'd be pretty devastating if you didn't, since all admins and no participants is kinda self-defeating.


The admins tie straight into--


The Purpose of Worldscape


So, that's pretty fantastic that when this is all over, you've created a whole world and such, but what's the point? Where's it all go? Well, that's where the admins really take over. Worldscape has ended, but the project has not. The admins decide on exactly what they're going to do--an epic, an RPG, etc.--but when it's all over, we're going to take the Worldscape universe and construct a masterpiece of writing--of creative thought--out of it. Be prepared...


So, How's This All Going to Work?


Or as I like to call it--


Get to the $%&$^&*$%* Point, RM


Like I said before, Worldscape is a step-by-step process. Let's dive straight into it--


1. Every task is two weeks long, give or take depending on the task. At the beginning of each task, I'll post an entry with a simple topic. Using the example I did before, say I post an entry on creating a species. For seven days straight, the whole first week of the task, everyone who cares about the topic enough to participate (feel free not to) posts completely unfiltered ideas. No qualifications, other than remember this isn't a comedy project. That's pretty much it. Submit as many ideas as you want, with as much thought put into 'em as you want--after all, if they're too vague, either the admins will fix 'em up or another task pops up to elaborate on them. Feel free to compliment, comment on, or criticize the ideas of others. This is a totally unchecked discussion.


Occasionally a task may include several different topics, often with no relation whatsoever--say, species creation and geography, just to get more work done. Discussion's still seven days, and you can submit ideas for however many topics you want, however detailed you wish on whichever topics you choose. You get the idea--just think. Stream of consciousness and all that. If you came late, it's up to you as to whether you want to read through the whole thing, or just post ideas, and never return to the task.


2. Another entry comes up, basically a refined version of the first. No more ideas may be submitted for the topic(s), but everyone has the chance to edit their own that they put forward in the last entry, or submit the same idea just as it was, word-for-word if you want. The polls are up next, and any idea submitted in this refinement entry goes on to the polls. Anything not listed in this entry won't go on to the polls, so if you liked your idea in the discussion entry, make sure to go back and post it in the refinement one, whether edited or not. The refinement entry's not the time for commentary on the ideas of others. Submit your own ideas--again, only if they were listed in discussion, no new ones--edit if you want, and wait for the polls.


The refinement period's four days long, so edit and submit fast!


Note--Admins are participants as much as they are admins. They still only get one vote, so there's no bias. The admins can't just reject an idea for their own anyway, so it's all fair. Admins, feel free to admit.


3. The polls! Depending on the topic and how many submissions were made, polls can range from two options to twenty. Each option has a link to the submission in the refinement entry, so it's at your convenience to browse through the options and pick your favorite. Depending on the task you might get to vote for a few different options. The winning option becomes the result for that topic, to be listed in a separate entry on just what the Worldscape realm looks like right now, and can be changed only if the admins see fit.


Polls are up for three days, give or take. It's very possibly the following task may already be up while the polls are still going on, just so you know.


First task should be up within the next week--what're you waiting for? Tell everyone you know!


Recommended Comments

Whoo! What an entry! I'm glad you got this up though, because I had forgot. :P


I'm ready, I might not be one of those Admins, but I'll definitely participate in this, I'll put my whole thought on it, and help make it as great as it can be.


Hey, I might not be able to be an Admin, because my time on the internet is slightly limited, and I don't always have time to things like this, but I could be an assistant or something.


Hm, spreading the idea and getting new participators was never my strong suit sadly, but I could spread the word through my Signature.


I said before I was iffy on this, so did someone else, and I'm sure that changed how you looked at this thing. Now I'm happy to say I will be right along with everyone else taking part in this, and I hope this picks up speed fast, along with participators. :)




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Glad to see you guys in! I'm going to let this sit for a couple of days--going to be offline tomorrow and Wednesday anyways--so in the meantime, advertise! Quickest way's obviously to just PM friends, but anything works. After that, expect an entry looking for admins, and then Worldscape begins!

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Basically, every participant contributes to creating an extremely elaborate world, the result of which becomes an RPG, or an Epic, or something of the sort. This entry just details how it's done step by step.

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*Incoming Transmission*


Okay. You can count me in. I can't promise that I'll be consistent, but this really interests me, so I'll do the best that I can.


*End Transmission*

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