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Thrill Me



It's the bloom of the thrillers, down here in the Library.


At least, it still flows along with the main-stay-plot of new Toa, new island, new enemies, but this new line of epics have shown lots of fight scenes, running from danger, and what makes it catching is the increase of drama and action in the story.


This I noticed in the ECC, and outside. Mind me for being the equal of a fash hag gossip column, I hate those magazines, but while many new writers put their bets in that plot to get them somewhere, it is a risky thing.


As a depth reader and one who loves to be the nit-picky person about what I see, thrillers are dangerous for many writers. It's a great platform to get noticed, sure, but not a good way to pick experience at.


A first-time thriller faces the threat of lacking depth, GOOD characters and their development (which is really hard to do) and keeping a good balance and plot moving on. All right, maybe not the best point.



A good warning from those thriller-writers out there: I do like a good plot, but if your epic is a thriller that tickles my eyelid, I will let you know and suggest you try something easier.




This coming from an epic critic that equals Simon Cowell (not in temper, I hope) and is suffering from boredom, this could be one of the funniest rants I had.




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I thought it was kind of obvious that an epic needs character developement anyway. Of course, your description of a bad thriller sounds remarkably like some of my earlier work.


Thanks for the library tip. You must sure read alot if you notice little things like that in the Library.



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:lol: Many, many first epics (including mine) face this error, 'cj. Don't feel bad about it.


I read a lot, of course. Epic critics can't afford to sleep on the job, except when you're on hiatus. ;)



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