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A Brief Update...



Hey guys. With the new forums and everything, I realized that I have a few projects that got left hanging. I'm going to do my best to update you on what I've been doing, and what I'm going to do with everything here.


First, the forums:


-My Comedies. I'll gradually re-post these, but I have other commitments that are taking most of my time right now (More on that later) Once they're all updated, I'll start writing again. I just get so many Ideas at once...


-The Comedy Critics Club: Since this is a collaborative project, I'm still waiting to hear back from Snoopy82. My guess is we'll wait a few days, make sure we still have HH's OK, then start up again. If any of my critics are reading this, please let me know if you are still interested in being a critic, or if you want to be a critic. That will make things much easier once we get going again. At the same time, we'll probably void any requests that were in the old topic, and ask the writers to re-submit. That way, we'll weed out any authors that forgot their comedies, or decided they don't want a review. It also gives us more time to get back on our feet. But like I said, I still need to run most of this by Snoopy82.


-Anything else. It looks like I have to go find all of my favorite blogs and topics again... Sigh. Oh well. Better get started before the place starts overflowing...


So what have I been up to for the last... four months? five? Here's a summary:


-Summer: Was totally awesome. Got to perform at Disneyland (where they misspronounced my director's name... it was hilarious.) Also got to visit Legoland (of course! The granny apple fries are totally awesome there.) After that, I went to Girl's State, which was a lot of fun... except I lost my camera. :( I should call and see if it ever turned up. GS was a lot of fun, though. Follies night was the best. I still haven't seen a recording from that night, though. After that, I went straight to Young Life camp. Anyone who's ever been there knows how fun it is. I loved the ropes course, I hated the giant swing. I actually spent a lot of free time sleeping, since I had been going for about three weeks straight by then... After that was NYC (Nazerene Youth Conference) Which was probably even more awesome than YL camp. over 6,000 kids... and Deep fried Oreos!


Summer after that was relatively mediocre. Work, video games, and a summer soccer league made of up high school and college kids who wanted something to do. There were even adults, including my dad and the soccer coach, which lead to...


-Soccer. I am now part of the High school's varsity soccer team. Actually, it's more of the high school's ONLY soccer team. of 15 kids. 14, if you consider that my brother fractured a bone during one game. So yeah, a lot of pressure on the new kids. Like me. I can't wait for the end of the season, but I don't hate it. I just hate not having a lot of spare time any more, since I don't get home until 6:30-7:00.


-School. Senior year. YAY! Classes are actually easier this year... or they would be if I were able to keep up on my schoolwork. Sickness, soccer games and orthodontist appointments have kept me from school a good part of the time, so I keep accumulating work that needs to get done. With any luck (and If I quit procrastinating) I will be caught up tomorrow, next week at the latest. No, I don't know what my senior project is, or where I'm going to college. I don't even have my SAT scores yet. I did get my senior pictures done, though. I can't wait to see them!


-Technologically Incompetent. What's that, you ask? That, my friend, is my special project: A webcomic. Yes, I was crazy enough to start a webcomic over the summer, and I love it. I don't procrastinate on it, it's fun to write, and I keep coming up with ideas places where a pen and paper aren't available. However, it's also on temporary hiatus, again because of school and soccer. Things are a little bumpy update-wise, but I should get back on a regular schedule soon.


-everything else. I pre-ordered Skyward Sword. YESSSS! I can't wait to play it. I got the deluxe edition with the gold Wiimote. I'd have to get the motionPlus attatchment anyway, and an extra $20 for a gold Wiimote is a pretty good deal. And the soundtrack!


So yeah, that's about it. Now I get to do my homework Procrastinate Explore BZPower, then play Twilight Princess!


Recommended Comments

You've never had deep fried Oreos, have you? they're good. especially with powdered sugar.


And it wasn't just me performing; it was my choir. We just performed a collection of songs, but it was fun. Sadly, they scheduled us to perform right before a parade, so everyone lined up for the parade and not very many people watched our performance. It was still fun.

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