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Day Run Is Back



Since I somehow got the posting thing to listen to me this time (for the most part), Day Run has been reposted. Yes, I am aware that I need to update the links in all three topics.


And along with that, a few notes for people:

-I am aware that the Events information is missing; I'm going to work on fixing that next week, when I'm back at my dad's house. The team list in the profiles topic is also missing; this was intentional, as I found it a bit redundant to keep the same list in both the discussion topic and profile topic. I may or may not add it back later; we'll see.


-The RPG will, indeed, be continuing from where it left off -- meaning, in the middle of several things that were going on. I found it unwise to restart from the beginning considering everything that has happened.


-In relation to the above, as I'm doing with ROTR, full-gear role-playing probably won't actually happen until Sunday or Monday, possibly later, as I'm waiting for people to get readjusted to BZPower before "officially" starting. In the meantime, feel free to get other stuff sorted out.


-As players of ROTR know, I'm enacting several policy changes in both ROTR and Day Run over the course of the next couple of weeks. The first one will be posted probably on Sunday, in this blog, and will most likely be in regards to god-modding and will definitely have a section on character powers. Others will follow soon after, though they shouldn't have a huge effect on the game play itself.


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I'll get started tomorrow; it's getting late tonight, and I'll likely need to balance archive with the new board during my first post back in half the RPGs. =P

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=O Ok that is just awesome. You can now do so much. And by the way, over the summer, I have played most of the pokemon games and am now a huge fan. Where I knew nothing before, I now know a lot more. Beware, I might join RotR.

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