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Bzp: Pros N' Cons

Peach 00


So, for the fun of it I decided I'd blog about BZP's new look. There's probably been five other members who did this before me, but eh, I don't care. =P I'm going to weigh in a little bit on the pros and cons, hopefully some people might comment and give some insight, too (which, might I add, is completely welcome). Read below for the review.


The New Look


Honestly, it's a bit dull - not much life in it. It's just blue and white. We need more flare. Blue and white are overused colors. I'm aware that the staff is going to be getting skins up, if I'm not mistaken, which might be better. But it would be nice if we some red here and their, or a really bright color. I'm not personally attacking the staff's decision with the color choice, but just saying.


Forums and Their Home


I like that the creative outlet is now its own forum area, with Art, Library, and RPGs and whatnot easy to find. They're all together. That's what it need to be. Before General Discussion was in the middle of it, which seemed out of place. Now it seems much better.


And LEGO sets and Bionicle sets are together, which looks nice instead of it being a 'Non-Bionicle' area at the bottom. To me, the whole area is laid out better.


Birthdays? People have birthdays?


Yeah, I don't necessarily like that it's a content block at the side. Rather have all the member names at the bottom like it used to be; seems like now there's a list you have to look through in a BZP link. It was easier to read the birthdays off, go wish the people happy birthdays, and move on. Now it's click, click, click typetypetypetype now. I don't consider this a huge issue, but would be better the old way.




I like the layout, but no favorites list at the top? :( I liked that I could instantly go to my favorite blogs, but now I've got to either search through pages and pages or add them to that list or whatever on an entirely seperate page. I have no clue how to add the blogs there. *shrug*


Profiles are good, but...


...status? o.O Not sure why that's there, but I don't entirely dislike it. I don't see a huge need for it, but oh well. Either way, I like the profiles now, it's easy to see friends, check your blog, et cetera. It is more organized than before and easier to navigate through, honestly.




Those are my views, so now for just a list of pros/cons now below.




~ Yay, organization

~ Decent look

~ Forums/Subforums in their right places

~ Profiles look good and organized

~ Comments easier to track on profiles

~ Reply boxes are more fully-equipped

~ No having to worry about codes to put in! :D

~ Instant multiquote





~ Colors are slightly dull

~ Dataclysm repeat, noooo

~ How do I favorite blogs? >.>

~ Newest blog entries of blogs I don't view? Eh, might not be too bad...

~ Quick reply should be an open/close box

~ Confusing instant PM system


So in all...


Pros outweigh the cons 9-6, yaaaay. :happydance: Anybody is welcome to provide their own thoughts on BZP's new system.


Recommended Comments

The current color wasn't our "choice". It's just the default.


Did you read the new entry in the Blog HQ? It explains the "favorites" issue there.


Status updates are no different from the profile comments before with two exceptions. It will show on your profile when you make a comment on somebody else's and comments can be made directly to the profile comments (updates).

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I know what you mean with the color. Sorry if I said it the wrong way, but I was just saying that I didn't want to attack the staff personally or anything about the colors - I know its default now that you've pointed it out.


I'll read that now, so at least I get it. Thanks for letting me know about that. :)

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Hey, good to see you again Peach! Maybe Tifosi 92 can come back too for the new forums? =P


@ the skin, there's going to be somewhat of a contest or something where members will design the skin -- once that happens, it should be more vivid. =P I like the blue/white myself, but I do wish it was slightly less bland...


For the birthdays thing [and that whole side bar] you can hover your mouse over the blue title bar and an "x" should appear in the right corner. Not sure if you want to remove birthdays completely, but yeah. I do agree that the old way was better.


Really wish the favorited blogs would appear at the front of the blogs list, too. =/


And I actually like the new quick reply/PM system/profiles -- I love how you have more editing options in quick reply, the PM system is cool once you get used to it -- nice to get notifications and such. As for the profiles, I wish you could get notifications or something for status updates. Like just a page of profiles you follow with recent statuses. But hey, you can't have everything. =P



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Good to see you again , too. ^^ Also, not sure if he's coming back or not...sadly, I don't think he will be. School is getting more important for him with each day, so he doesn't have time for BZP as much as he used to. =/


I agree with you about the skins - it would be nice if it wasn't as bland. It's not bad, but it could be worked on. But for colors, I would like a dark red and lighter blue with the white. It'd give it more color.


Yeah, I think I might do that - I don't remember if you can do that with recent posts, but I think I'll keep recent posts there.


Well, I don't mind it, but when you go to somebody's profile and you click 'send PM', it gives you a small quick text box type of thing. It doesn't give you any options, which is my only problem. If it were bigger and gave you options, that would be fine. Saves you the trouble of opening a new window or loading another page.


Also, I agree with you about the statuses. And yeah, I guess you can't, can you? :P

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Well tell him I say hi and good luck with school haha. Hopefully he'll be able to some day...


Oh yeah, forgot about the sending PMs-thing -- that annoys me too, but you just gotta do that extra step and click "use full editor." =/


Heh, was looking through things and noticed that you can set up notifications so on the top right of the page you'll be notified when your friend updates their status or someone replies to your status. Not as good as a page of statuses, but it's something lol.

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I will. =)


That's cool. There is plenty of notifications, but for some reason, when it comes to profile notifications and whatnot, I can't check it. Oh well. =/

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