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Hero Factory Recon Contest



I don't want to sound whiny or stuck-up, but I honestly expected Alpharaptor to do far better in its poll than it did. It's got plenty of custom building techniques incorporated, it has a fairly even color scheme, and I honestly think it's my best MOC yet. I'm still of the opinion it's awesome, but apparently that opinion is flawed.


I don't think I'm a bad MOCist -- I'm definitely not at the same level as DeeVee or Brickeens, but I'm sure I'm not bad. I just didn't realize I'm not good; at least, that's what the poll is telling me. On the other hand, my photography skills are probably flawed, but I can't help but think that isn't the problem.


And here I was thinking I actually had a chance in this contest... Oi, I guess I'd better practice MOCing, then.


With that rant over, I'd like your completely honest opinion on Alpharaptor; if there's something that could be improved, please tell me so I can figure out where I went wrong.


(One last thing: Don't take any of this too seriously; I was just frustrated that a lot of work went into that MOC for nothing, and I had to let off some steam somewhere.)


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Entries 3, 7, and 5. And I honestly think Entry 5 could use a lot of touching up.


Well, other people don't.


You have your opinion, and others have there's. That's life, but don't let one bad thing turn you down, because you'll have many more after this. If you just get up, brush yourself off, you'll one day make it there.

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The color scheme and the building techniques are great, they really are, but sometimes you need more than that. Just because it was built well doesn't necessarily mean it's good.

It's an okay moc, but a lot of things could be done to it. In my opinion the hands don't look fitting at all, and I really hate metru arms for necks. Another thing that needs attention is the actual torso. It's very skinny right now and is even smaller when compared to the long tail and legs.

Just my 2 cents.



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For the most part I agree with Ultimate Kardas, particularly about the torso bit. Maybe if you took out a joint from the legs and tail it would be more proportionate. That's really the key word here, because if a MoC isn't remotely proportionate (unless you can make it look like it wasn't meant to be) then people just won't like it. I also think you had a little bit of bad luck being stuck with Veq's MoC Gorilla, but what can you do about it? By the way, I think the Alpharaptor is good.



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Entries 3, 7, and 5. And I honestly think Entry 5 could use a lot of touching up.
Well, other people don't. You have your opinion, and others have there's. That's life, but don't let one bad thing turn you down, because you'll have many more after this. If you just get up, brush yourself off, you'll one day make it there.


For the record, I never said I was giving up. Next MOC contest I'm going all-out; count on it. :evilgrin:


The color scheme and the building techniques are great, they really are, but sometimes you need more than that. Just because it was built well doesn't necessarily mean it's good.It's an okay moc, but a lot of things could be done to it. In my opinion the hands don't look fitting at all, and I really hate metru arms for necks. Another thing that needs attention is the actual torso. It's very skinny right now and is even smaller when compared to the long tail and legs.Just my 2 cents. ~U_K~


Okay, I understand the hand problem (which makes it even more frustrating that I had no other pieces I could use instead), but the torso, while small, isn't really skinny counting the XPlode helmet; I guess the neck socket was mounted low enough to make the helmet seem like an addition rather than part of the body.


As for the Metru arm as a neck... I like it. I don't really see what's wrong there, though a custom neck would probably look better.


For the most part I agree with Ultimate Kardas, particularly about the torso bit. Maybe if you took out a joint from the legs and tail it would be more proportionate. That's really the key word here, because if a MoC isn't remotely proportionate (unless you can make it look like it wasn't meant to be) then people just won't like it. I also think you had a little bit of bad luck being stuck with Veq's MoC Gorilla, but what can you do about it? By the way, I think the Alpharaptor is good. -CM


Like I said above, yeah, I see the problem with the proportions. That's been a problem of mine, actually, in both MOCing and drawing. I just didn't think anyone would be turned off by that; plenty of well-received Bionicle sets have featured faultly proportioning, but that was justified because the sets weren't necessarily representing Earth creatures.


Yeah, Alpharaptor has long legs and a long tail, but it's not a classic raptor. Its build is meant to be light and lithe-looking, and the tail is long to provide balance and a means of attack.


I'll keep your tip about proportions in mind, though.


Don't get me wrong: I like Gorilla, too, but I didn't imagine it'd get so far ahead. :confused:

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There's some clashing stuff which makes the MOC look bad.

The feet look very off because you've used humanoid feet where something like clawed feet would be far more fitting.

The arms also look odd, because those HF hands don't seem fitting for a Raptor.


The Ankle armor on the tail and Furno's weapon both seem unfitting, too. The Ankle armor disrupts the flow a bit, and Furno's weapon just looks odd.

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Okay, I see what you mean.


Thanks, guys. I now feel rather foolish for posting this -- it feels like an overreaction -- but I did need some constructive criticism.


Hopefully I'll be able to start working on a MOC soon.

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