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Need Help Sleeping



Last night, as I was in bed trying to fall asleep, it occured to me that I have no control whatsoever when I am asleep.


That night I had the most bizarre/scary dream of my life.


Now I can't fall asleep again.




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You should be careful how you word that. When you said "I have no control whatsoever when I am asleep", the first thing that came to my mind was incontinence! Or is that my fault?


Anyway, as for your question, "lightning never strikes twice". Having nightmares two nights in a row is pretty much unheard of. Know this, and you won't have to fear.

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Just go to bed. You'll sleep sometime or another, better to get it over with now. And you probably won't have another nightmare.

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@Makuta: Incontinence? Huh?


*looks up*




I just mean I feel like anything could happen to me, and I'm trying to think if I feel anything in my mind as I sleep. Am I aware of it? Do I feel like I just skip straight to day, or is there just a blank period in between?


@Chols: XD that would probably help, actually...


@Omi: that's how I got to sleep last night, actually, I knew it would have to happen eventually. Problem is, nightmare...it's odd, the nightmare felt so real, but I wasn't actually scared until I woke up (in horror) and realized what the dream had been like. It took me a few minutes to process that it was a nightmare that woke me up early, and not something that had happened the previous day.

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I just mean I feel like anything could happen to me, and I'm trying to think if I feel anything in my mind as I sleep. Am I aware of it? Do I feel like I just skip straight to day, or is there just a blank period in between?


Allow me to introduce you to anxiety, a close friend of mine.


You two are going to be together a long time/

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