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Life Plans






Well... I have none. I'm in my last year of high school, and I've no idea what I want to be... or rather, too many ideas. There's so much I enjoy doing, I don't know what to pick. Should I be an engineer? That involves lots of math, which I'm not too good with. How 'bout an architect? That's not a very well-paying job, and with the standard house designs they're not needed much. A Musician? The chances of succeeding there are so slim it's crazy. How about an artist? Same as music. A computer animator? I've not focused enough time on this to even know if I like it enough to pick a career of it.


And then if I do decide... what do I do? How do I pick a college? How the heck do I pay for college/university? What about shelter and food? I've no money saved up, and my parents have been barely scraping by all these years. I've never lived poor, always had a good life with good things, but never any money to spare - so nothing from them. Grandparents maybe? Even so, there's no way they'll have anywhere near enough. I don't even have a starting job yet.


What about a car for when I get my license in december? I can use my parents' for awhile, but after I move out?


there's lots of you guys/gals that have been through this. Can anyone offer me some advice, or guidance? I'm sort of lost in the sea of the real world. I can't even focus on my math homework...





Recommended Comments

If you want to pick a college, I'd start by looking at what's close by and seeing if they offer good programs in the areas you're interested in. Also keep in mind that community college isn't a bad idea either, especially if you haven't fully decided what you want to do yet (they're also cheap compared to traditional schools).


Paying for college can be tricky, and I recommend you check out what kind of financial aid programs your schools have. Some schools are expensive on the surface, but if you meet their criteria for financial aid they can get much cheaper. And apply for scholarships. And sometimes schools will offer to take you for free. You should jump on those opportunities if they come up.


But you should talk to your school counselors since they probably know more about schools in your area than anyone on this site does. Their advice is what you should be seeking.


EDIT: Also, definitely apply to your first choice schools regardless of how much they might cost. Don't dismiss your favorite school just because there's a chance you might not be able to afford it. Financial aid can work wonders (even if it might not reduce all costs).

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