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My List Of What I Want And Don't Want In A New Metroid Game.

Toa Smoke Monster


I believe it is safe to assume that a new Metroid game will be announced in the forseeable future. Nobody knows when, but I believe it could be in few years. Here is my list of what I want and don't want in this upcoming game.


1. Give Ridley a Rest: Now, don't get me wrong. I love facing off against Ridley in Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 3 Corruption, and the other Metroid games he was in. But I think it's time for him to take a break from the story. He has been in every Metroid game except for Metroid 2: Return of Samus, Metroid Prime 2 Echoes, and Metroid Prime Hunters. He has died multiple times, only to be brought back each time. (With the exception of his death in Metroid Fusion) I read on another site that Ridley's 'official' death was in Super Metroid. But he came back in Metroid Other M as a clone and then again in Fusion as a host of the X. I'm not saying he should never be used in the storyline again. I just think that he should be given a break.


2. Same with Mother Brain: Mother Brain shouldn't be brought back either. Her death in Super Metroid was a great way to end her story. Even though she was in Other M as MB, I feel that her penitential was wasted in the story. (She was set up as this extremely powerful boss, and the player doesn't even get to directly face off against her!) She shouldn't be brought back at all in future games. Her story is done.


3. Bring Kraid Back: I don't think any Metroid fan would complain about seeing Kraid again. He was just as important to the Space Pirates as Mother Brain and Ridley, but he has only been in three Metroid games. (I'm including Metroid: Zero Mission here.) As long as there is an reasonable explanation for him to be in story of the game, I would like to see re-appear in a future Metroid game. (And what Metroid fan wouldn't love to fight a 3D version of Kraid. B))


4. Samus against the Federation: Assuming the new game takes place after the events of Fusion, it would be cool to have Samus face off with the Galactic Federation. Or as least, the corrupt part of it that had a hand in the events of Other M and Fusion. It would be cool to see the GF send its soldiers (or even other Bounty Hunters) to hunt down Samus for blowing up the BSL Station. There could even be a split in the Federation, with the good guys of the GF standing against the bad ones. It would definitely make the story different from the previous ones.


5. Give Samus New Upgrades: Samus has had a lot of cool weapons in the Metroid saga. But, with the exceptions of Echoes, Corruption, and Hunters, Samus has mostly gotten the same upgrades in all the Metroid games. I believe its time for Samus to get new equipment. She could have new beams, suits, and other cool upgrades too. This being said, she should still have her some of her usual equipment like the Power Beam, Charge Beam, Missiles, the Morph Ball, Bombs, and Varia Suit.


6. Keep Other M's control scheme: Say what you want about Other M's story, but I thought the controls worked really well. Sure, it took me a while to get use to them, but once I did, controlling Samus was easier than ever. I would remove the first person part entirely, though, because I thought that it was kind of pointless. Why not just change the controls slightly to make Samus missiles with the press of a button instead of switching views? That would've made the game a little more enjoyable to me. I do like the first person Metroid games (their my favorite ones) and I loved the control schemes of the Prime games, but I don't think the ability to switch views in Other M worked too well. I think it could've worked better it you could've moved while in first person, but aside from that, I like Other M's controls a lot.


7. Make the Cut-Scenes skipable: Now, I'm not one to skip over a cut-scene in a Metroid game. However, there are some people who don't want to sit through the same scenes they've seen in their game before. The Metroid Prime games gave the player the option to skip the scenes with a press of a button. Other M, however, didn't, forcing players to sit through what felt like a 15 cut-scene with no way to skip over it. The next Metroid game should follow the example of the Metroid Prime games and give players the option to skip cut-scenes if they wish to.


8. Give Samus's ship more stuff to do: In most Metroid games, Samus's ship just stays in one spot. It's only useful power is to heal you to full strength. Metroid Prime 3 attempted to give Samus's ship more usefulness by giving it bombing capabilities and its own Grapple Beam. You also had to use it to travel to all the different planets in the game. Corruption was on the right path, but I feel like more could've been done with the ship. The next Metroid game should follow Corruption's example, but go further with it. Make more puzzles where the ship is needed to complete them. Maybe even allow the player to fly the ship. It would be so cool to fly around in Samus's ship, bombing enemies and the like. It would definitely be better than having the ship just sit in the same area for most of the game.


9. Keep the Metroids: Now what would a Metroid game be without its namesake? (Metroid Prime Hunters, that's what! :P) Joking aside, the Metroids should still be in the game somewhere. Maybe there could new breeds of Metroids to face? Who knows...


Well, that's my list. What do you guys want to see in the next Metroid game?


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