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Perhaps it was the excessive doses of a certain tropey website that got me thinking.



Before I begin, I would like to ask you to sit down. Now, please do not take this as something that is meant to flame HF fans, Bionicle fans, other Lego fans, Belgian rugs, or anybody else. This is a theory of mine.


Upon looking at the basic story line of Savage Planet, I realized how eerily similar it was to the storyline of Bionicle year one. Now bear with me here, I'm going to summarize both tales in layman's terms. I know that some details are quite different, but I'll address that later.


Savage Planet: 6 heroes who need a lesson in teamwork and are built to save the universe are sent to a wild setting where monsters are rampaging. It then turns out that through the use of what might be seen as a plot device, (Quaza spikes) a mysterious and somewhat demonic Big Bad (Witch Doctor) is behind everything. A super-powered version of the heroes (Rocka XL) assists them in taking on the villain, and they ultimately defeat him.


2001: 6 heroes who need a lesson in teamwork and are built to save the universe are sent to a wild setting where monsters are rampaging. It then turns out that through the use of what might be seen as a plot device (infected masks), a mysterious and somewhat demonic Big Bad (Makuta Teridax) is behind everything. A super-powered version of the heroes (Toa Kaita) assists them in taking on the villain, and they ultimately defeat him.



But wait, there's more! Quaza and Kanohi are both sources of power that can be used for good or evil.


And I'm not done. Both lines are made by the same people (essentially), and were created almost exactly ten years apart.


Coincidence? I sincerely doubt it. Of course, there are several details that are different in either storyline. But when you strip it down, they both seem the same.


Now, there are only three possible reasons behind this. First, Lego is making a subconscious tribute to Bionicle. This happens to writers, including me. Certain things that we enjoyed are transmitted without our knowledge into our works.

The second reason is that Savage Planet is an intentional tribute. This is another way of Lego saying goodbye to one of it's most famous and successful franchises ever. Also, it would tell the old tale so many know and love to a new audience in a new way. In other words, using the same formula that worked ten years ago. In addition, old fans of Bionicle will approve of the spiritual successor even more, since it celebrates its father series's tenth anniversary.


The third reason is one that I think is slightly harsh and far fetched, unless someone provides more evidence for it: Lego, ladies and gentlemen, is running out of ideas. They need to recycle something that worked before, change a few details, and put it in the market to make more money. Of course, there's nothing wrong with doing this to help pay the bills at home, and maintain their lifestyle, but it is quite sad that creativity is going down the tubes, if this idea is correct.


No, this does not mean that I think Greg is losing his style. He is one of my inspirations, and won't be 'stale' for me for a long time. I am pointing out the possibility that LEGO'S creativity going stale, not his.


I, MakutaKlak, somewhat believe that it is the second reason that is true. Lego is making a conscious tribute to the line we all know and love.


Discuss at your discretion. Shoot down whatever you think is wrong, and support whatever you think is right. I still think this is an interesting similarity, and I sincerely doubt that it is mere coincidence. I think the lines are supposed to be the same storylinewise (making up words is WUNDERBAR). Again, I don't want to hurt anyone. I just have to tell it like it is.


Source: Savage Planet=Bionicle '01?


Let's just hope this doesn't start Bionicle v. HF up again.....




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