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In Retrospect



I know I'm late a week or so but I tend to be tardy so whatever.


For all those interested, whoever that might be, I'll give you a general retrospect of my last few months since the forums went down. I already forgot when that was.


Personal Life: School's being school and keeps me on my knees. Other than that, my brother moved to university few weeks ago, so I'm alone with my mum now. I like being alone. Gives me my peace and quiet.


Internet: For the last few months, my internet activity was passive at most. I practically didn't ... do much, I guess. But wait, no! There's ONE thing worth mentioning here: I became a brony. Eeyup. Going to make an extra blog post about that soon.


Politics: I am pleased to see that Anonymous is going at full speed. Occupy Wall Street has my full support. They're going to show those shmocks in power. The Austrain Version, Occupy Vienna was more of a fail, though. But the Austrain Branch of Anonymous sparked a big debate about data privacy over here. They made it on ALL THE FRONT PAGES and for that alone I have to love them (PONIES).


Regarding current events in Lybia, I am happy for the Lybian people, but am saddened by the fact that there are people on this world, so cruel, that we celebrate their deaths.


Comics: After some time I wondered if the forums would EVER return, so I feared that any work I might put into KoC could be completely wasted, so I did not do much and took a break. Remodeled the Cho-Koro model however, so keep an eye on my comic topic because I'm going to post pics soon. I also have to say that I am positively surprised by the amount of praise I got after I reposted it. Thanks guys :). Currently working on Comic 61.


Keep an eye on this blog, I am going to post more or less regular updates about my more or less intersting life.


Currently listening to: Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack - MEDIC!

Currently reading: The Power of the Genes, by Markus Hengstschläger - Page 74 of 171


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