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Now, There's Bronies, And Then There's Bronatics



And the problem is, I just had to invent the second word. You see, there are separate divisions. Bronies , male human beings who like MLP, and Bronatics, people of the same gender who are utterly obsessed with it. (Nothing against Bronatics, as the number of Bionatics is much higher on here.)


So I, Zarayna, Declare the new term "Bronatics" to be fully Zarapproved!


Now, for a terrible confession.


I am a brony.


I found MLP to be childish, amusing, and overall funny.


I watched the Halloween episode, and the Lesson Zero episode.


Twilight half mad is absolutely hilarious.


Of course, I find the ends of the episodes to usually be extremely sappy.


Recommended Comments

I honestly don't see what everyone is getting on Zar about. It's just a term. He's not saying, "Okay, all these people are bronatics." He's just saying there's a difference between just plain bronies and bronies who think MLP is the greatest thing ever.

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