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God's Away On Business

Kalama and Ta Rahkshi


So I was poking through my E-mail today and I find out that my Tech Newsletter showed up.


The collective known as "Anonymous" is now cracking down on hidden darknet pedophilia sites.


Darknet sites are sites that cannot be accessed by normal means. They are the seedy underworld of the net. Similar to that secret room in the bar you need the password of "Swordfish" to get into only because you know a guy who knows a guy who's best friend's sister's boyfriend's uncle is 'in' with the group that meets there.


People seem to be confused on the real nature of Anonymous. They go back and forth between considering them "White Hat" and "Black Hat" hackers. What they fail to realize is that you can't define Anonymous. Collectives like that are simply a mass of individuals driven by mob mentality. There is no "leader". There is no "central cell". Somebody, anybody can just go "Hey, wouldn't it be funny if we did X?" And if it takes the whole collective at once agrees. What they also don't understand is that due to the fluctuating nature of such collectives along with the age of technology, such acts can be committed by as many as one individual or as few as over one million people. No that is not a typo, I meant what I said and I said what I meant. Also it's possible it's never the same person twice in any such act since you have no clue to their identities. It's like trying to pick out a single Zebra in the middle of a herd of Zebras.


Back to the darknets, I suppose you're wondering how such a festering pile of heinous criminal activity got started. First off remember rules of the internet. There are NO EXCEPTIONS. Secondly remember that you can find ANYTHING on the internet if you know where to look. This is now much we've come to rely on the great network information superhighway. Thirdly, remember that the human mind is a very malleable substance. Under the right circumstances, you can make anyone become anything. Though remember that true inspiration is hard to come by as discussed in the movie "INCEPTION". Recommend that to anyone who truly wishes to understand just how much events can affect a person and their decisions, ideals, and beliefs.


Now obviously I'm going to talk about something in reference to the title of this entry or I would have called it something else. I'm sure some of you have thought of the Tom Waits song by the same name. You are correct.


Moving on I find myself wondering why many people talk as if God has abandoned his "Children" as so forth. Many of you may have seen roadside billboards with the phrase "When Americans bless God, God will bless America."


...and I've forgotten the main point I was going to talk about. Oh well. I'm sure it's in this entry somewhere and I've conveyed it without realizing which would explain why I feel like I've forgotten it. Funny how that would work out.


In any case, "God's Away on Business" is a quite enjoyable song.


I really should finish out those playthroughs on Fable III and Mass Effect 2....


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