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Monday Blues

Kalama and Ta Rahkshi


Sooooo... how was your Monday?


Mine was... odd.


At first everything SEEMED okay but as Monday rolled into Tuesday (I work overnight) some of the client's employees got a little... testy.


How testy? The manager on duty threw a temper tantrum and threatened to send me home. *snerk* Like he has that kind of authority.


Now before you start to question how he can't have that authority and be a manager, understand that I'm not employed by the store he works for. I work for a separate company with it's own set of rules that contracts out the services I provide.


It's a Security company by the way.


Your curiosity and confusion sated? Good.


In any case, Monday seemed to bring out the worst of people that night for some reason. I was reasonably unaffected by this phenomena. Anyone else seemed to notice it? Tired irritable co-workers? Anything like that?


So I also found out that my willingness to take a deeper look into things that I consider a shade of grey are held in black and white by others. That or I just suck at making my point when I'm constantly interrupted while making it. Makes it kind of hard to have deep discussions when others minds are kind of made up and they aren't willing to consider the deeper meaning.


Sure there are times where there is no deeper meaning and rarely do I struggle to try and find one when their isn't only to learn eventually there isn't.


FYI, even if you can't buy or don't want to buy the game known as Bulletstorm, I still HIGHLY recommend you locate and download the complete music soundtrack for the game. Sure the game may be violent but the soundtrack is all orchestra and is well worth downloading. Give it a listen.


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